Chapter 14 - Jason

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I sat unmoving in the chair next to Bradley in anticipation. He would be awake soon and I could finally tell him I loved him and find out why he did this. I could understand what happened to make him go to such lengths. However, the thought of my parents visiting my sister's grave haunted me since Aurora had called and told me. My mother always went though an depressed episode this time each year, but even my father wasn't a lot better. I had seen him crying over a picture on her birthday once and, without even seeing it, I knew the picture was the one from the scan. I also knew that my father carried that same picture in his wallet behind the family photo.

I had always wanted to have my own family. I could picture myself sitting outdoors on decking somewhere with my husband and watching the children play around in the garden. I had amended my fantasy to have Bradley as my husband almost as soon as we started going out. Our relationship did not consist of one of us being more masculine than the other because we were, in a way, the same. We both had a love for ice hockey and rugby as we had grown up playing both. We both put in several hours at the gym a week and in between watched old and new movies on spy's and gangsters. The thing I loved about us most of all is how we didn't give two shits about how we look, act or are perceived. Obviously we didn't dress like hobos but we didn't spend hours on our looks and insisted on acting and speaking openly about our relationship. Bradley's confidence had improved drastically thanks to this technique and so I couldn't understand why he would do this. Why he would shatter our fantasy of our future life and our future family? I wasn't anger at him, far from it, I just wanted to understand the reasoning.

"Jace?" Aurora woke me from my thoughts, "you ok?"

I hugged her shoulders reassuringly, "I will be!"

Aurora sighed, "You can't pressure him into him telling you why he did this. It's going to be another long process."

"I know," I sighed, hanging my head, "I just don't know why he didn't say anything to me. I could of helped him."

She smiled at me reassuringly, "I know."

"So what happened to Lance?" I asked quickly changing the subject.

"He fainted," she replied, "All I know."

I laughed bitterly, "I know that you know more!"

"I can't tell you anymore!" Aurora replied hastily, "I'm not even supposed to know."

"Just answer me this. Does it involve a woman?" I asked.

Aurora remained silent but her facial expression told me that it did. I snorted at the predictability of my younger brother. I knew about some of his previous activities and so this didn't come at much of a surprise to me. We had always figured what with his think blonde hair and large green eyes that he would be a heart-breaker. I doubted that he even knew to what extent.

"He still has that photo?" Aurora asked.

I glanced to see her standing by Bradley's table where I had arranged several of his photos to remind him of better days when he first awakes. The last thing I wanted was another tail spin straight after overcoming the first one. I walked over to her to look at the photo she meant. I smiled. It was one of us at the age of thirteen in the park in the middle of summer. The three of us were all laying on the grass, with Aurora in the middle, and were doing the over the top pouting face at the camera. Another was taken in winter, again of the three of us, where me and Bradley both were kissing Aurora cheeks. She had her eyes squeezed shut with a cheeky smile on her face.

The joys of being eight! I laughed to myself.

My favourite one was taken a mere month before all this happened. It was technically meant to be Aurora taking a selfie but she had moved the camera over slightly so that half the picture was of Bradley and I having a kiss, thinking Aurora was preoccupied with selfie taking.

"Remember when everyone thought that Brad and I were going to get together?" Aurora asked.

I laughed, "I remember feeling a deep jealousy!"

Rory rolled her eyes, "Even if you and Brad weren't dating, I would never date him as he is my brother not my lover!"

"Good coz he's mine!" I shot back.

"Jeez! Doctor! We have a case of possessive boy-friend syndrome over here!" Rory mock shouted.

I laughed at my sisters good nature. I had no idea what state I would be in without her. Aurora was, as corny as it sounds, my light in dark days. She was my optimism when I had none. She was my best friend.

"Omg!" She squealed.

"What?" I asked panicked.

"It's Mr Kan Groo!" She squealed. She showed me a picture of our old favourite toy kangaroo, "I'd forgotten him!"

I laughed, "I'll never forget him you pronounced kangaroo and kangroo when you had lost your front teeth!"

"And the Star Wars t-shirt that mum made from an old one of mine!" She laughed, "Luke would love this!"

"Luke? Who's Luke?" I asked intrigued.

She blushed beetroot, "No one!" She replied too hastily.

"Sly, sis, sly!" I laughed.

"What?" She asked angelically.

"When were you going to tell me about your boyfriend?" I asked.

"I don't have one!" She laughed.

"Liar! Liar! Pants on fire!" I sung.

"I'm getting a coffee!" She announced, "You want one?"

"I'm good thanks little Miss Get-a-bae-and-not-say!" I joked.

She quickly ran out the room, blushing bright red. I smiled as I watched her hastily escape towards the canteen. My attention was turned back to Bradley. I picked up one of his hands and held it within my own. I kissed the skin.

"Bradley I love you! God I wish you are ok!" I sighed, "All these memories we have and you are not here to laugh about them...I miss you.... God I'm begging you....if you can hear me give me a sign."

I didn't register it at first, but after a few moments I felt the minutest squeeze on my hand from his index finger. I held my breathe and waited a few moments before I felt it again. I felt a massive weight lift from my shoulders as the squeezes got stronger and he used more of his hand.

"Oh my god! Nurse! Nurse! Get Doctor Watson! He's waking up!" I called to a nurse passing near by.

"Doctor Watson?" Came a mumble from next to me, "When do I see Sherlock!"

"Bradley!" I murmured.

"No shit Sherlock!" Came his sarcastic reply.

I threw my lips onto his and kissed my passionately but quickly as I knew he would struggle for breathe. I had to almost literally drag myself away from his as it just felt so good to feel his warm and finally moving lips against my own. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks.

"That was beautiful!" He mumbled when I pulled away.

"I love you!" I spluttered.

He smiled weakly, "I know! I love you also!"

I laughed through my tears, "You're alive!"

"Yeah!" He replied, "unless this is the afterlife."

I snorted, "No but it's starting to feel like heaven."

"You soppy sod!" Bradley laughed.

I smiled. It then faded, "Why did you do this to yourself?"

He sighed, "I did this for you."


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