Chapter 24 - Aurora

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Why are you such a whore? Whores need to be punished! My thoughts scared me.

Ever since He left I haven't been able to control myself. I couldn't bring myself to face anyone today, so I ditched school and locked myself I'm my Domination room. It was the only place that I could find tranquility and torment which somehow brought me peace.

"Rory! Rory I know you are in there! Let me in!" I heard Luke pounding on the door.

I wobbled as I stood up and walked to the door. I knew he knew and I had to face him. I had to face his hate for me. I unlocked the door to experience his lips crashing into mine and pushing me I into my garage/room. He kicked the door shut before proceeding to strip off his shirt, which he wrapped around my naked body.

"What are you doing here!" I interrogated.

"I'm here for you!" He replied.

"What the hell does that mean?" I snapped.

"I'm here because I want to be with you! You are not alone in your pain!" Luke replied.

"Don't you are tell me what I am or am not! You have no idea who the hell I am, what the hell I've been through or what the hell is capable of!" I screamed.

"Yes I do!" Luke replied.

"Oh really?" I scoffed.

"Lance told me! I know about you and Kevin Greyson and about how he abused you..."

"He didn't abuse me!" I almost screamed.

"Yes he did!" Luke shouted over me, "You were thirteen fucking years old and so whatever he did to you counts as rape! Especially what he did to you!"

"I love him!" I countered.

"No you depend on him!" Lance screamed, "You are so wrapped up in the lies he told you, you can't see how wrong and twisted he has made you!"

"He made me who I am!" I cried.

I dropped to my knees. I felt Luke drop next to me. He pulled me into his arms and kissed the top on my head. I sobbed into his bare shoulder and breathed in his intoxicating scent. I planted a small kiss on his shoulder.

"He didn't make you," Luke reassured me, "He didn't even made you into a dominant! That was all you. You survived him but not without scars!"

"What would you know about scars?" I sniffed.

"I know what it's like to lose someone you depend on," he replied.

"I know you lost your mum and da..."

"No," he said cutting me off. I looked up at him, "My dad was a serial rapist. My mother was just another victim. She was then abandoned by everyone except her sister and one of her exs because she refused to have an abortion. They all died."

"So everything you told me was....a lie?" I asked.

"No. I made the wardrobe with Derek, who was my mum's ex and the closest person to a father," Luke told me, "My aunt was very forgetful and we really didn't see much of each other. So I never lied I just..."

"Didn't want pity?" I finished.

"Yeah. I'm actually part of your parents program to help teens," he told me.

"Really?" I half-laughed.

"Yeah. I remember your mum walking into the support group I was in an sat down with us. She listened to all of us completely. I mean some CEOs don't care and make random appearances to look good but she genuinely cared about what we were saying," he said, "She shared her own story too. About how she was forced to do things just to survive. What shocked me most off all was she didn't say how lucky we were to be safe now and all that crap she made sure that we were all happy."

"She is wonderful with the charity," I mumbled.

"She's wonderful at understanding," Luke replied, lifting my chin, "Help her and let her understand."

"I can't tell her about!" I burst.

"Yes you can!" He replied firmly, "I'll help you!"

I sighed. I knew that what he was saying was true but I couldn't bring myself to face her and undergo the embarrassment of telling them what happened to me and about how I'm still dependent on him in my life. About how I still carry out the traditions he taught me and punish myself. About how I secretly had my dominatrix life.

"Let me explain something," I said, "My parents pride on the fact that they can protect us. Ever since what happened with Ella they have been over protective so that nothing happens to us. Don't you understand? If I tell them about this, it will kill them! And's over."

"Rory what do you mean it's over?" Luke asked.

"He's dead," I explained, "I killed him."

"What!" Luke breathed, "You did....."

"It's not what you think!" I cried, "The night he left was because of me. I knew he wasn't good for me. I told him to leave me alone. He tried to kill me and.....nearly did..."

I slowly removed me glasses before turning my head over to show him the scar that ran along my scalp. It was not a bumpy knotted surface of flesh created by a blade digging into my skull and being dragged along.

"What the fuck happened?" Luke breathed.

I swallowed, "He dragged a blade through my head. He dug so hard that there is now and indentation of the blade on my skull bone. I was lucky it wasn't the neck...."

"Oh my god..."

"I just kept stabbing him and stabbing him. I didn't even realise. Oh god! There was so much blood!" I cried.

"Rory shhhhh!" Luke hushed.

He pulled me into his arms and cradled me there.  He too took off him glasses and I felt him rub his eyes. This was more explanation than he was expecting. I sobbed into his chest while he slowly stroked my hair, cooing into my hair.

"You need to tell you parents," Luke said finally. I looked up at him, "They can help you. They can help you cope better than I can."

I nodded slowly, "You're right! I'm sorry that you know but I'm not sorry that I told you!"

"I love you!" Luke told me.

"I'm pregnant!" I replied.

"What!" He breathed.

"This wasn't how I was going to tell you but..."

He placed his hand over my stomach, "You're pregnant?"

"Yeah," I replied.

"I guess we have good news and bad news to tell your parents," Luke breathed, "Pregnant?"

"Wait tell my parents? You wanna keep the baby?" I asked in disbelief.

"I know it's ridiculous and stupid that we could raise a kid but I've always wanted a family and since I can't have my own back.... I want to start one," Luke replied.

I nodded, "OK then! Let's try!"


I had completely ruined my clothes so had to buy new ones on the way home I had to buy new ones. It was when I was changing into my new clothes in the changing room that my phone rang. I ignored it until I was completely dressed. By that time it had rung three times. I picked it up, seeing it was Ella.

"Hey El! Tell mum we will be..."

"Rory it's dad!" Ella cried.

"Why! What's happened?" I asked, concerned for my father.

"He's in the hospital! He collapsed!" She replied.

"Ok calm down! Luke and I will be there soon!" I replied.

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