Chapter 9 - Ella

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I scrolled through the endless photos of wedding dresses. Normally I would adore this but today I couldn't think of anything worse. Zac had been called in again and so yet again I was left alone. Part of me was looking forward to having the baby as it would mean that there was someone else in the house but part of me dreaded it. I didn't want to end up like my mother did raising a family almost on her own. Don't get me wrong, I love Zac with all my heart and wasn't going to break up with him because of extra hours, but I did wish that we could have some time alone together.

My phone vibrated on my desk and I picked it up eagerly to see it was my future mother-in-law. I smiled as I answered the phone.

"Hello mother-in-law!" I exclaimed.

"HE FINALLY ASKED YOU!" She screamed down the phone.

"Yeah," I replied, "The baby is looking forward to it!"

"OMG! A daughter and a grandchild! Hear that world! I'm gonna be a grandma!" She cheered.

I could hear Matt in the background telling her to quieten down but as soon as he heard grandchild his cheers were loudly audible.

"My mum is pregnant as well," I informed her.

"Jesus Christ! David really needs to buy a TV!" Riley replied.

"That's my parents you are talking about Riley!" I reminded her.

She laughed, "You know its true!"

I laughed, "I guess it kinda is!"

"Is Zac there! I need to give him some advice!" She asked excitedly.

"No he's out," I replied slowly.

"Getting cravings already?" She laughed.

"No. He's at work," I told her.

"Oh you poor thing! Left all on your own!" She murmured, "I'll be round there ASAP!"

"Wait you don't ..."

She hung up. Next thing I know, someone was knocking on my door. Opening the door, I saw Riley, Matt and fifteen year old Reid.

"Hey Reid!" I cried pulling him into a hug.

"Hey El! How you been?" He asked.

"Stressed! Old people stuff!" I teased.

He rolled his eyes, "you are strange!"

I laughed as I invited them all inside. Reid immediately flopped onto the sofa and began texting furiously on his phone before shoving it in his pocket. I smiled.

And to think that this is the same kid who insisted on watching Aladdin every time I saw him!

"So how was Canada?" I asked.

"Beautiful. Stunning. Not really any other word to describe it really," Matt replied.

"And that was just me at dinner!" Riley laughed.

I laughed at the good nature of my in-laws. Riley and Matt were like my second parents as I spent as much time around their house as I did my own. Before Reid was born, his bedroom was unofficially mine. It wasn't because I hated my parents, far from it actually, it was because I loved spending time with Zac and his parents.


I snapped out of my day dream to see Riley looking at me expectantly. I shook myself slightly.

"What was that?" I asked

She smiled weakly, "Maybe we should make some drinks."

I nodded and followed her to the kitchen. I pulled out cups from the cupboard and started up the coffee machine. Riley then stopped me.

"What's wrong?" She asked.


"Don't lie to me El! I've known you most of your life! You and your mother have the same tell!" She warned.

I sighed, "Its just me being lonely. Zac has been working so much lately ... I'm being selfish I know but..."

"Did I say you were being selfish?" She asked.

"Well no..."

"Well it's not! Your pregnant and soon to be married! He should be here with you!" Riley told me firmly.

"I just don't want to end up like my mum practically raising kids on her own," I mumbled.

Riley pulled me in and hugged me, "I know sweetheart! I know! I won't let that happen."

"Thanks Riley!" I smiled. She smiled warmly and began to make the drinks, "Wait what's my tell?"

She laughed, "You have two. One is scratching your eyebrow like your father but the more frequent one is the same as your mothers. You both absentmindedly stroke the scars given to you but the Greysons. You're doing it now."

I looked at my hand and I saw I was stroking my neck where my dearest uncle had held a knife to me. It was very small and could only really be seen when I get a tan but I alway know that it's there like a permanent sign of how difficult life had been for my family. What with my father's narcotic addiction and my mother's prostitution and my almost being killed proved that we shared one thing. The ability to in life threatening situations.

Riley tilted my head and kissed my forehead lightly before picking up her husband drink and her own. Lance was now the only one in the family who didn't know what happened to our parents. He had four more months before he knew as I parents only told us after we had turned sixteen. When we knew, we didn't love them any less. If anything we loved them more after learn what hell they had to go through to be here today. In a way, it was like a way of telling us to push through our problems as there is light at the end of the tunnel. The way it was told to me was more like a fable rather than true events that my parents lived through. As soon as my parents told me I knew it would be difficult for Lance to take in. He was very much like my father's father in the way he would be pissed off that he was last and had to wait so long to know.

I torn my hand away from neck and instead look down at my engagement ring. I played with it with my thumb. I smiled. It meant a lot to me but it was also, in a way, a disappointment knowing that I was going to struggle with being a house wife. I sighed before going to join Matt and Riley again.

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