Chapter 1 ~ New Beginnings

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Carrie's POV
        I'm finally going to get to live in my own place. No more sleeping on my friend's couches, it's going to be all mine. I've never actually had enough money to get to have my own place since I graduated high school, but now that I have a job I finally have enough. I was a waitress at a diner, but I worked overtime so I could get paid more.

I finally got done unpacking the last box and I sighed of relief. I looked at the time and I got ready for work.

Once I got to the diner, I was greeted by my friend Julie, who's also my co-worker.

"You finally done unpacking?" She asked while sweeping the floor.

"Yup." I responded joyfully, putting on my apron.

"Your just happy you don't get to sleep on my couch no more." Julie said with a chuckle.

"Yeah. It's still kind of hard though, even though I've always wanted my own place." I truthfully told her.


I sighed. "It's just... ever since my mom and dad, I've always been afraid to live on my own."

Julie stopped sweeping and walked up to me. "I believe that you can overcome your fear. You've become a strong girl over the years." She handed me the broom.

"I'm just worried. I'll probably regret being on my own." I said as I took the broom and gradually swept the floors.

"You won't regret it if you're not alone. Have you met your neighbor?" Julie responded, sitting on one of the stools.

I twirled the broom with my hands as I looked up at her. "No, not yet."

"You need to talk to them and make friends, so that if your in trouble they'll help you." 

I looked down at the ground. "I guess your right." I mumbled.

"I am right. Now come on, we got work to do." Julie said as she hopped off the stool and went into the kitchen. I followed her and we got to work.

        It was almost dark outside before I got off work. The other workers had already left as Julie and I were left behind to close up.

"You about done, Carrie?" I heard Julie call out.


"Okay, well I'm going to go so make sure you close everything up." She said as I heard the door open and close.

I made sure I turned everything off before I left. I then grabbed my stuff and coat and went to my car. I was so exhausted, I couldn't wait to sleep in my new bed. At least, if it's comfy.

I finally got to the apartment complex and entered. I pressed the elevator button and waited. The doors came sliding open and there was a guy in there; he looked up.

He gave me a small smile as I walked in and pressed the button to my floor.

"You new around here?" He asked, looking at me.

"Y-yes." I responded looking at him then quickly looking away.

"Well, welcome." He said putting his hands behind his back.

"Thanks." I gave him a small smile.

The elevator finally dinged and the door opened.

"Huh, we're on the same floor." The guy commented as we both walked out the elevator.

I saw that he lived next door to me. "We're neighbors too." I said being friendly.

He smirked and walked over to me. "What's your name, neighbor?"

"Carrie. What's yours?"


I smiled at him. "Well Harry, hope you have a good night."

Harry grabbed his door knob and looked up at me. "You too." He warmly smiled before entering his apartment.

I walked into my apartment and smiled to myself.

Looks like I've met my neighbor, and his name is Harry.

~Hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter of my new story! Some of you may be wondering if I'm going to finish my other story (some of you may not care lol) but if you do, yes I'll still be doing my other story. I just thought of this idea and I need to make a story of it so hopefully you'll enjoy it! :)))~

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