Chapter 12 ~ The Call

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Carrie's POV

When Louis called, he told me and Harry to meet them at the warehouse. So that's what we did. Once we got there, the boys and Gemma turned around to face us with nervous facial expressions.

"What?" Harry questioned them.

The boys all looked at Gemma and she looked at Harry. "You got a call."

"From who?" Harry asked.

Gemma paused before saying, "Dad."

I saw Harry's fist clench and he stood there stiffly. Why would his dad call him? I thought they didn't like each other, or maybe Harry just doesn't like him.

"He sent a voicemail." Louis added.

Harry then trudged over to the telephone that was sitting in front of Louis and pressed a button, making the voicemail start to play.

"Harry! How have you been, son? Anyways, that was a pretty funny trick you pulled trying to make me think you were dead, it was hilarious. So, I was wondering if you and your friends would like to come and visit and we could all have a little... friendly chat. I've been dying to meet your new friend... the girl. And let's be professional, no weapons and dress nicely. Hope you can make it..." Then there was a beep.

It was silent before Harry grabbed the telephone and threw it across the room, making it hit the wall.

"Well, there goes our third telephone that was thrown across the room." Liam remarked.

"There's no way in hell I'm talking to him." Harry murmured to himself as he went and slumped in a chair.

"Harry..." Gemma sighed.

"I'm not going, Gemma!" Harry harshly made clear.

"We're going with you, we got your back." Gemma said with a small, sad smile.

Harry looked up at Gemma then looked at me. I slightly grinned at him, giving him a short nod. He then sighed and gave in.


He got up and walked away but as he did he spoke, "Call him and tell him we're coming tonight."

"Harry, I'm picking your clothes!" Louis yelled as he followed the curly haired man as the other boys did the same.

"Shit, here we go..." Zayn mumbled before walking over to them.

Gemma then turned to me. "Well, this should work things out... hopefully." I chuckled but stopped as I realized something.

"I have absolutely nothing to wear."

Gemma then smirked at me. "You're lucky that there's at least one girl here. Come on, I'll let you borrow my clothes."

I nodded as I followed behind Gemma.


"What's your dad like?" I asked sitting on the bed as Gemma rummaged through her clothes.

"Well, I guess you can say he's kind of like Harry... but way worse." She described with a laugh.

"I bet..." I trailed off.

Gemma looked up at me. "What? Has Harry done something to you?"

I sighed. "I mean yeah the bullet through my wall thing, but my parents were murdered in a hotel in London and I just recently found out that your dad..."

Gemma stopped and looked at me sympathetically. "I'm sorry."

"Harry did everything to protect me and our mother. But after she died, he lost it. He was homicidal." She continued.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that." I frowned.

Gemma then just shook her head and said, "Do you like black? I feel like you'd look good in black."

I just shrugged and laughed. She then found a dress for me and told me to go try it on.

(Picture used for this chapter is Carrie's dress :P)

Once I put it on, I looked at myself. It actually didn't look that bad.

"Cute." Gemma smirked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"All I have to do is search for me an outfit and it'll be about time to go. Let's pray..." She added shaking her head.

Hopefully, nothing bad happens.

~Let me just say this: I SPENT 30 FRICKEN MINUTES TRYING TO FIND A FRICKEN DRESS FOR CARRIE TO WEAR!!! As you can tell, I suck at fashion. But, I finally found one and it's cute and that's ALL THAT MATTERS! Lolololol~

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