Chapter 24 ~ Hunted

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Carrie's POV

My eyes abruptly snapped open when I heard a loud noise. Damn, I was taking such a nice nap and now this crap?! There was another loud noise, then I jumped out of bed. I grabbed my phone and slid it in my back pocket before exiting my room. I saw that there was no one to be seen.

"Hello?" I called out.

Suddenly, Harry came running in with a gun in his hand. He looked frantic.

"Harry, what the—" before I could finish he came up to me and covered my mouth with his hand.

"You've got to trust me on this, okay? So just stay quiet." He demanded.

I nodded before he released his hand and grabbed my hand, leading me outside.


"I'll explain everything to you in the car."

Where the hell is he taking me?! I then just did what I was told and got in the car. He got in too and we drove off. I looked at Harry as I saw him studying the road with his brows furrowed, hands tightly on the wheel. I suddenly noticed a huge bloody stain coming from the side of his shirt.

"Harry, you're bleeding." I stated.

"It'll be fine." He said with the same expression on his face.

"What's going on? Where is everyone else?" I asked him worriedly.

He switched his gaze to me for a second before going back on the road. "Um... here's the problem, I have no idea where the others are."

Harry's phone then unexpectedly started to ring. He cursed beneath his breath before answering it.


There was an inaudible conversation on the phone, I couldn't tell what the person was saying. Suddenly, Harry's eyes widened before hanging up the phone.

"What?" I questioned him.

He tried to hit the brakes but couldn't for some reason. "Shit." he mumbled.

He then directed his attention to me. "We have to jump."

"Jump where?!"

"Out of the car."

He then handed me the gun, which I nervously took. I'm literally freaking out right now. I'm fixing to jump out of a freaking car!

"When I count to 3, you open the door and jump out as fast as you can." He informed me trying steer the wheel.

I quickly nodded and put my hand on the door handle, prepared to jump.


And with that, I swung open the door and jumped out. My body hit the grass safely, but the impact still hurt like shit. I looked at the car and saw it, all of a sudden, blow up.

I slowly started to get up once the flames dialed down until something came to my mind.


"Harry!" I yelled out.

I don't remember seeing him jump out. No, no, no he can't be dead, he can't be! I was so worried I was on the verge of tears.

"Harry..." I tried to yell again but my voice cracked.

I then heard a loud groan from a far. I looked in the distance and saw Harry lying on the ground. I quickly ran over to him.

"Harry, are you okay?" I asked slightly panicked.

"Yeah." He croaked out.

I was so relieved I could've hugged him, but didn't. He then winced in pain and I saw that the bloody wound on his side had gotten worse from the fall.

"Shit, Harry. Can you stand?" I asked trying to help him.

He allowed me to help him up as I lifted him by taking his arm. Harry groaned in pain once again as he was finally pulled to his feet. He gave me a small smile before I slowly let him go. He held his side, looking around, and I stood there looking at him worriedly as I put a hand on my hip.

"So... what now?"

"We.... we're going to have to walk." He answered coming up to me and grabbing the gun.

"Are you not going to tell me about what just happened?" I questioned as he walked away from me and I caught up.

Harry stopped walking before he begun to explain. "It was Louis who called me on the phone in the car. He told me my father got someone to cut the brakes and place a bomb in the car."

I was in shock. Well, it's not really shocking that someone tried to kill us. "So, you still don't know where they are?"

Harry then looked at me. "I think I might know."

Louis' POV

As Harry hung up the phone, I gave it back to Mr. Styles. He snatched it out of my hands and walked away from me.

"So, we're going to see how long it'll take Harry and Carrie to survive and once they're done with, you're all next." He informed to all of us with a smirk.

Suddenly, one of Mr. Styles' men came and whispered something in his ear. He frowned but grinned again when he looked at us.

"Well, it seems that they're still alive. But, not for long."

He then motioned some men with his hand to leave. He's probably going to send them after Harry and Carrie! Shit.

Carrie's POV

It feels like Harry and I have been walking forever. We were in the woods and trying to find a way to get back on the road and into the cities.

Harry has been worrying me. His wound is not healing and I'm afraid something might happen to him. I just don't know what I would do if that happened.

Suddenly, I started to hear a beeping sound. We both stopped, trying to find the noise. Harry then looked at me with wide eyes. I gave him a confused look as he came up to me and grabbed my phone from my back pocket.

"We're being tracked." Harry stated.

"What do we do?" I asked frantically.

Harry then smashed my phone on to the ground.

"Harry!" I yelled.

"We can't let them find us!" He argued.

He then grabbed my hand and we ran, quickly trying to find a way out of the woods.

~Okay so I just decided to end it there, SORRY CLIFFHANGER! Wow, I wrote a LOT. Anyways, this story is getting pretty intense and I'm sure y'all are excited for next chapter!~

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