Chapter 26 ~ Out Of The Woods

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Carrie's POV

     I couldn't believe this was happening. I mean I have kissed Harry before, but this time it was different and I'm astonished by it. I don't know why I wanted it, I don't know if it was just for my desire or for Harry's sake. He was hurt, and I didn't know what else to do.

Now that I think about, it might've been for my desire.

Our lips then parted and all I could do was look at my hand that was clenched onto Harry's shirt. I couldn't look him in the eyes, not knowing what his reaction would be. He then dropped his hands to his sides and I hadn't moved.

"Carrie, look at me." I heard his sweet voice say.

I couldn't resist, so I slowly looked up and my eyes met his eyes. I noticed that they weren't sad anymore. He just gave me a small, warm smile before he said, "Thank you."

I finally had the ability to drop my hand. Why am I acting so afraid? What am I afraid of?

I was then set right back into reality. Louis, Liam, Niall, Zayn, and Gemma are still taken and we're probably lost in the woods. Harry walked forward before looking back at me.

"I think I recognize where we are, we could probably find our way out. Come on."

I then followed him as he led our way out of the woods. Soon, we reached the side of a road and I sighed of relief.

"So, where do we go?" I asked Harry.

"My father's house."

My eyes widened with fear. "What?!"

He then looked at me and put his hands on my shoulders. "I know you don't want to, but it's the only way we can find out where Gemma and the guys are. I won't let him hurt you, I promise."

I nodded with assurance before he let me go and began to walk as I followed.

"Do you think they might be at your father's house?" I questioned him.

"It's possible, he does have a torture chamber—"

I immediately stopped walking and looked at Harry with horror. "He has a what?"

Harry sighed. "It's where we were locked up the day before you left two years ago."

I didn't say anything. I was just reminded being sent away and hearing Harry's last words to me, "This is the last time we'll ever see each other. Goodbye Carrie."

That day brings me shivers. Harry and I were almost killed and I thought it would be the last time I would see Harry, the guys, or Gemma. But I was wrong. I thought I knew who I was when I first came to London. Now ever since I left two years ago, I have no idea.

"Are you okay?" I heard Harry's voice say, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I just faked a smile and nodded. He could probably tell I was lying, but he just continued to walk and I was right behind him.


     Time passed and turns out Mr. Styles' house was not that far away. From the woods, his house was only a few minutes away.

We stopped once we came upon his house. Harry looked at me and nodded before we walked towards the door. He tried to turn the knob but of course, it was locked.

"Dammit." Harry mumbled.

"Come on, I know a different way." He added, motioning me to follow him.

We went around the house and at the back, there was a steel door with a lock on it. Great, what the hell are we supposed to do now? Suddenly, Harry pulled out his gun and shot the lock, making it bust. He took the lock off and opened the door.

Inside was the scary torture chamber Harry and I once were in, and there Gemma, Louis, Liam, Niall, and Zayn were, passed out on the floor.

I was panicking, but Harry reassured me, "It's just sleeping gas. They'll wake up in a little while."

"Well done, Harry." A husky voice echoed throughout the room. We looked to see it was Mr. Styles.

"I'm surprised you figured that out." He said with a throaty chuckle.

Mr. Styles abruptly pulled out a gun and shot Harry in his side where he was wounded. He yelped in pain as he fell to the ground. I rushed to his aid as the tears started to form in my eyes. I heard footsteps come closer to me.

"Well Carrie, it's sad this must all come to an end. And this time, nothing's going to stop me." Mr. Styles said as I heard his gun click.

All I did was close my eyes. I then heard a thud and a body collapsing on the floor. My eyes opened and my head shot up to see a man I've never seen before, standing over Mr. Styles' body. He seemed to be pretty tall, looked like he was in his mid 40's. He came closer to me and I flinched.

"I'm not gonna hurt ya." His deep voice said as he knelt down next to Harry.

"Harry, you still with me?" The man asked placing Harry's hands over the wound. Harry slowly nodded and grasped tightly onto his side.

"We got to get out of here fast." The man informed us getting up.

He then walked over to Louis' body and knelt down and patted his face. "Wake up." He said as Louis' eyes started to open.

I was shocked as I watched him go to everyone and wake them up. "I thought they were put on sleeping gas, those last for hours."

"It's a cheap one. It only lasts for a couple minutes. All you got to do is wake 'em that's all." The man explained as everyone started to get up.

He went over to Harry and grabbed his arm and put it around his neck, while wrapping his other arm around Harry's waist.

"Try to stand up." He told Harry, slowly lifting him.

"What the hell?" Gemma said standing up, rubbing her head.

"I'll explain everything later, just take the others and go get in the car." The man told Gemma as he managed to hold Harry up.

Gemma nodded and she motioned the guys to follow her outside. Once they all left, I looked at the mysterious man helping Harry stand up.

"Who are you?" I asked him.

"I'm Gray."

So this is Harry's boss? The guy he mentioned in the woods? Gray then began to slowly walk with Harry out of the room as I followed. I looked down to see Mr. Styles laying limp at my feet. I shook my head in disapproval as I stepped over him and walked out of the torture chamber.

~ So Carrie finally meets Gray AHHHH! I wonder what he's got to say... Lol. Anyways, hope y'all enjoyed another LOOOONG chapter. They're just so fun to write :) ~

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