Chapter 13 ~ Father

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Carrie's POV

          It was finally time to go. We were all dressed up waiting for Gemma. I was surprised to see the guys wearing fancy clothes, they actually looked nice.

"Gemma, come on!" Harry yelled, banging on her door.

"HOLD ON!" Gemma screamed back.

Harry huffed as he crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. I couldn't help but notice how nice he was dressed. Well done Louis. That white button up shirt and black jacket looked kind of good on him. Wait, shut up Carrie!

Finally, Gemma opened her door and was dressed.

"Finally! Let's go." Harry said, bolting towards the door.

We all just looked at each other and shrugged, then followed Harry to the car.


We arrived at the restaurant Harry's dad told us to meet him at. I've never been to a place this fancy before! Kind of worked in a diner most of my life. We were then led to a private table.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked me with concern. I nodded.

"You'll be fine just stay close to me." He said before we entered the private room.

Then there he was, Mr. Styles sitting at the end of the table with a playful smirk on his face.

"Ah, you came!" He greeted us standing up.

Harry avoided eye contact with his father as we sat down. I sat next to Gemma while Harry sat in front of me.

"Nice to see you again, Gemma." Mr. Styles grinned.

Gemma gave him a wry smile, then his eyes roamed to Harry.

"Well, well, if it isn't my son. It's been a while, Harry."

Harry didn't say a thing, nor look at him, he just clenched his jaw.

Mr. Styles then saw me. "And who might you be, love?"

"Carrie." I simply answered.

"Carrie, what a beautiful name."

We were then served drinks and it became silent. Mr. Styles clapped his hands together.

"So Harry, I assume you've heard the news."

Harry had a puzzled look on his face, but he was still a little angry. "What news?" He asked.

"Oh, Gemma didn't tell you the surprise?" Mr. Styles questioned with a fake innocent look on his face.

Harry looked at Gemma, confused, as she had her head down and sunk in her seat a little.

Mr. Styles pointed his hand towards Gemma as he stated, "Gemma here, is pregnant."

Harry's eyes widened and he was full of shock, yet anger. "Is that true?"

Gemma slowly started to nod her head as Harry ran a hand through his hair.

Mr. Styles picked up his glass. "Sometimes you got to learn to keep it in your pants." He said as he took a sip.

The other guys had faces full of disbelief, Gemma looked in pain, and Harry looked like he was about to kill someone.

"Same with you, Harry." Mr. Styles said scooting up his chair.

Harry looked over to his father with the same cold expression. "What?"

"Learning to keep it in your pants, you probably do Carrie all the time I'm sure."

Louis choked on his drink and started coughing. Liam patted his back as he coughed like crazy. I looked over at Harry, and he was mad as can be. His hand balled up into a fist as his jaw was clenched tightly.

"You really think that's what I do?" Harry growled as his father smirked.

"What else would you do with a chick this beautiful?"

I bit my lip as I looked down to the floor. This man was cruel. He loved to torture Harry and Gemma, and it was sick. Poor Gemma is going to be a mother while Harry has to listen to his dad's bullshit.

"You using her like I used your mother?" That made Harry pissed off.

"You son of a bitch!" He yelled at his father.

"Ooh, did I hit a soft spot." Mr. Styles mimicked.

I couldn't take it anymore. "Leave him alone, asshole." I angrily said.

Mr. Styles lifted an eyebrow at me. I looked over and saw Zayn trying to calm down Harry. Mr. Styles sighed.

"This could've been easy." He said shaking his head.

I saw a guy come up from behind Harry and my eyes widened. The guy had a gun.

Harry swiftly pulled out a gun and shot the guy behind him. We all got up from our chairs.

"You said no weapons yet you let one of your goons try to kill me?" Harry snapped at his father.

More guys starts to come out with weapons.

"Niall, take the girls to the car!" Harry yelled trying also trying defend himself.

Niall led Gemma and I safely outside as a massacre happened in that restaurant.

"You think they'll be okay?" I asked Niall worriedly.

"Those boys are tough as nails, they'll be fine." Niall reassured me. I sighed.


~IT'S BEEN SO FRICKEN LONG SINCE I UPDATED I LITERALLY TYPED THIS MONTHS AGO AND MENTALLY BRAINFARTED AND NEVER FINISHED!!! I'm so dumb af lol. I was so excited about this chapter so I hope y'all enjoyed!~

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