Chapter 14 ~ Heal Me

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Carrie's POV

Once we got to the warehouse, I couldn't stop thinking about Harry and the others. I know Niall said they were tough but I'm still worried they might get hurt. Gosh, I sound like I'm their mother.

Gemma noticed my gloomy mood. "What's wrong?" She asked.

"I'm just worried about the guys that's all." I shrugged. "And about you."

Gemma gave me a puzzled look.

"You being pregnant, you're having too much to deal with already and it just isn't right." I stated.

Gemma looked away a little. "Yeah, about that..."

I stared at her and she struggled to say words. What's she trying to say?

"I'm... not really pregnant."

It took me a while to process what she just said. Why did her dad say she was pregnant?! Why would they make something up like that?

"But your dad..."

"My dad said it to piss off Harry, obviously. He told me to just play along." Gemma explained.

"Why would you do stuff for him when you know he hurts your brother?" I asked.

Gemma took a deep breath. "I only obey him to save my life, and Harry's. I've had to deal with this shit for a long time, and now my mom is dead because of this crap!"

I closed my eyes and sighed.

"Look Carrie, you can not tell Harry about this. If my father found out he could kill me, Harry, the guys, or you!" Gemma told me seriously.

It would probably be best if I didn't tell him anyways because it would've pissed him off more. I just nodded.

"Okay, I won't tell."

Harry's POV

      I was in so much pain, I began to lose consciousness. Zayn had one arm around my waist and wrapped my arm around his neck as he dragged me to the car.

"You okay, lad?" He asked.

I winced in pain as I spoke. "The damn bastard shot me."

Blood was everywhere. It was all over my clothes, my hands, and it left a trail as I was dragged along the concrete. We finally made it to the car and Louis and Liam managed to help me in. My eyes started to slowly close, but I tried to keep them open. Before I knew it, darkness clouded over me.


      After what felt like a long time, I was finally fully awake. How the hell am I still alive? I noticed I was sitting in a chair with my shirt off and Gemma was sitting in front of me, supposedly bandaging my stomach. She saw I was awake and smiled.

"You're awake."

She saw the puzzled look I had on my face and began to explain, "You passed out from blood loss. It was a good thing you were brought here in time because you probably wouldn't have made it."

I looked around the room. There was a pool of blood on the floor which made me feel a little sick. I might've been a murderer, but blood still freaks me out.

"Carrie has been worried sick about you guys." Gemma stated.

Shit, I forgot about Carrie. She's probably scared as hell.

"Damn." I whispered, leaning my head back.

"What did she say?" I asked Gemma.

She sighed. "Well, she said she was worried and afraid with all that happened with you, the guys, and me."

Oh yeah, the pregnancy. Damn, my sister is going to be a mother.

"Yeah, I'm sorry Gemma. The whole pregnancy thing must be hard for you."

She hesitated before she nodded and stood up. I gave a questioning look, but just decided to brush it off. There was suddenly a knock at the door. Gemma went over to get it and saw it was Carrie.

"Well, I'll leave you guys to it. Harry, try not to move too much and be careful." Gemma said before walking out of the room.

Carrie closed the door behind her as she stepped in and looked at me. I could tell she was full of sadness, but she hid it with a small smile.

"So, how are you feeling?" She asked as she went and sat in the chair in front of me.

"I've been better." I shrugged.

Carrie then placed her hand on top of my hand. "I'm just glad you're okay." She said.

It's amazing to see how much she cared for me, even after all I've done. What could I have possibly done to deserve this treatment? Nothing.

"Why are you always so nice to me?" I asked her.

She looked down before she spoke. "Well, you've had a hard life and I know what it feels like. Even if we both have different stories, we still went through similar issues."

I needed to tell her. I needed to tell her the truth about her parents.

"Carrie? I got to tell you something..."

Before I could finish the door suddenly opened and in came Louis.

"Can't you learn to knock?" I growled through gritted teeth.

Louis put his hands on his hips. "Can't you learn not to be a dick all the time?"

I rolled my eyes as Carrie just sat there and awkwardly bit her lip.

"Well, Carrie you have a call." Louis said.

Carrie had a puzzled look on her face before she got up and walked out of the room.

Louis looked at me with crossed arms. "Pissed huh?"

I just gave him a cold, death glare.

"What pisses me off is that you're still not wearing a shirt. Quit trying to show off." Louis said before walking out of the room.

I looked down at my chest and sighed and snatched my shirt, putting it on as I walked out of the room.

~YOOOOOO! IT'S ALMOST SPRING BREAK!! I finally finished another chapter so I hope y'all enjoyed :) p.s. I love sassy Louis~

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