Chapter 20 ~ You Again

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*2 years later*

Carrie's POV

"Carrie, wake up!" I was suddenly awoken by a familiar voice calling my name. I abruptly sat up from my bed and saw my friend, Julie, hovering over me.

"Julie? What are you doing here?" I asked her curiously scratching my head.

"You said you'd help me run some errands, now come on!"

I quickly got up from my bed, grabbed some clothes, and went to the bathroom. I've kind of gotten a little lazy and less caring about myself after what happened two years ago. I remember when I got back that I was an emotional wreck, for literally almost a week. But now all that pain is gone and I'm back in California with my best friend.

Once I was done getting ready, Julie was standing outside waiting impatiently for me. Now what Julie means by her so called 'errands' is checking on the diner, and looking through shops. Yeah, not really much of a need. Time passed and she was finally done with her little adventure.

"Hey, you want to go by the cemetery today?" Julie asked me as we were walking.

"Why today?"

Julie immediately stopped in her tracks and looked at me with a bewildered look on her face. "Do you not know what today is?"

I thought for a minute, then it hit me. It's June 8th, the day my parents were murdered. Well, two people who I thought were my parents were murdered. I just shrugged at Julie. She was filled with shock as she continued to stare at me.

"You always go to the cemetery this day! You even made me skip school one time just so I could go with you!" She yelled throwing her hands in the air.

"It's not good for me to mourn my whole life. I was happy to witness the great life I had as their daughter and them as my parents." I lied with a small smile.

"Ever since you came back two years ago, you've been acting strange. Not only have you forgotten about your parent's death today, but you forgot last year too." Julie explained with worry in her eyes.

I couldn't tell her, not yet at least. I know it doesn't matter if I tell her or not, but it was a lot for me to take in and I still need a little more time. Sure, wait another two years.

"Never mind, let's just go anyways." I sighed making my way towards the car.


It was cold and windy when we got to the cemetery. There was not a single soul to be seen, no pun intended. I've been going to the same place every year so I knew exactly where to go. And once we arrived at their tomb stones, I felt nothing. No sadness, no emotion, nothing.

Whoever those people are buried beneath us, they will forever not have their real name on their tomb stones. I bet that cost a lot of money.

Something suddenly caught my eye. A name on a tombstone in the distance I've heard before. I walked closer to it and read it.

Anne Styles
Loving wife, loving mother
Forever in our hearts

Harry and Gemma's mom is buried here. Why was she buried here and not in London? Maybe she died in California. How strange. Julie then came up from behind me and saw what I was looking at.

"Styles?" She questioned.

"It's his mom."

She nodded in understanding. I wish I could've met Anne, I bet she was a wonderful lady. She did take care of me for a little while when I was a baby, so I know she was pleasant. Another person suddenly crossed my mind. Harry.

I couldn't get the image of him out of my head. His smile, his dimples, his beautiful green eyes. I sighed to myself looking down to the ground. I miss him so damn much. I also missed Gemma and the guys, how they'd always make me laugh. Thinking about it brought a smile to my face.

Julie and I finally went back to the car, but something stopped me. I saw a familiar figure at the place we were just at. He had flowers in his hands and he put them down on the tombstones. Who is this guy?

They guy looked over at me and caught my gaze and I could see his face more clearly. My body froze and my heart almost stopped as fear began to rise inside me.


~LOLOLOL! Sorry if y'all thought it was Harry. Yes, Carrie's worst nightmare is BACK! Things are about to get interesting... ~

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