Chapter 8 ~ Drive

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Carrie's POV

I struggled from Harry's grip as he dragged me outside to his car. I finally got loose from his hand and stopped him.

"Harry, hold on!" I yelled.

He turned towards me with a frustrated expression. "What?"

"You just.... my wall." I tried to find words to say, making Harry more and more impatient.

As Harry was about to say something, we both heard a sound of police sirens from a distance.

"Shit. Hurry, get in!" Harry motioned me to get in the passenger's seat of his car. We both quickly got in and drove off.

I looked behind us and saw the police cars arriving at the apartment complex.

I looked back at Harry. "Was that really necessary?"

"What?" He asked a little annoyed.

"All you did back there. You could've thought of a nonviolent way to settle that!"

"That was not violent."

"You shooting my damn wall and kissing me for no earthly reason!"

"You didn't even get hurt and I just... kissed you I guess." Harry shrugged.

"Why did you 'just' kiss me?" I asked angrily.

He then took a quick look at me before putting his eyes back on the road.

"I don't know. You're cute."

"How is that a reason?!" I yelled at him.

"I'm a guy, Carrie. Guys do weird shit for no reason."

"Why'd you have to kiss me though?!"

"You know what, if you're so torn up over some damn kiss, then why don't I just pull over and we can go make out in the backseat?" Harry yelled back.

"You're such an idiot, Harry!"

"You're the one making such a big deal about it!"

This argument went on and on until we finally stopped, and it was silent. At that moment, my phone started to ring. It was Julie.

"Julie?" I answered.

"Why is he not dead?" I heard Julie ask in a stern voice.

"It wasn't him, how do you find out about that?"

"The shooting, at your apartment? It's all over the news."


Harry looked over at me worriedly. "Did they find out who did it?" I asked.

"Yup, you guys are all over the news. People think Harry kidnapped you."

"Shit. Thanks Julie." I then hung up my phone.

"What was that about?" Harry asked me.

"Thanks to you shooting my wall, we're kind of all over the news and people assumed you kidnapped me."

Harry hit the steering wheel in anger. "Damn it!"

"What do we do?" I asked him nervously.

"We got to hurry and get to Gemma." Harry said as he stepped on the gas.

~I'm going to end it here, sorry for short chapter but hope you enjoyed :) make sure to check out my other story!~

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