Chapter 19 ~ Truth Be Told (Part 2)

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Carrie's POV

I couldn't believe what I just heard. He made me believe that he didn't kill my parents when really he did. And he did it for what, to get back at his father?! How could he be so cruel?

"After all I did for you..." I whispered to Harry with anger boiling up inside me.


"There's nothing you can say to change what you did, Harry! I trusted you... I believed you, but you took advantage of that. You are and always will be a monster for what you've done."

Harry looked down to the ground not saying a single word. He knew how much I'd be hurt, he had this whole thing planned out!

All of a sudden, Mr. Styles started clapping. "Well done! I've got to say that's the best thing I've ever seen."

He then walked over to Harry and leaned down towards him. "You see, I always win."

"F*** this." Harry whispered.

He started to slowly lift his head up with the deadliest look on his face as he looked at his father. "You've made my life a living hell, yet I'm still the monster! Carrie doesn't even know the real truth about her family, she doesn't know she's an orphan!"

Harry immediately shut his mouth. I can't believe this. All my life I've been an orphan? My parents who Harry killed aren't my real parents and Ethan is not my real brother.

"You better shut your damn mouth." Mr. Styles said through clenched teeth to Harry.

"Kill me or don't, I don't care! She still needs to know that you hired those people to pretend to be her family because you didn't want mom to keep her!" Harry yelled back with fury.

At this point, Zayn put down his gun. Mr. Styles went up to Harry and punched him in the jaw. I flinched as he started to cough up blood.

"Don't you ever talk about her again." Mr. Styles growled.

"You treated her like complete shit. You're the one that killed her, why should you care?" Harry snapped back, making his father kick him in the ribs.

"I've always hated you the most. You're even worse than Gemma. I don't know why I haven't killed you yet." Mr. Styles said in a husky voice.

"There's nothing stopping me now. Zayn, kill him." He ordered.

Zayn cocked his gun before taking one step forward. I couldn't watch so I looked down, letting the tears fall down my face. Suddenly, there was a punching noise making me look up. I saw Mr. Styles knocked out on the ground and Zayn stood over him.

"What the—" I started, confused on what just happened.

"It's about damn time, Zayn!" Harry groaned as Zayn went over and untied and unchained him.

"I scheduled the flight, it's leaving in 30 minutes. If we leave now, we might have enough time to make it." Zayn informed Harry.

"Flight?" I questioned.

Zayn then came over and helped me get untied and unchained.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked frantically.

Harry looked at me, rubbing his wrists. "You're going home."

Harry and Zayn then went towards the door and I immediately stopped Harry. "What do you mean?"

"You'll be much safer in California, where my father won't find you."

"Are you going with me?"

Harry paused before sighing. "No."

"What? No!" I yelled starting to tear up.

"Carrie, you don't need me! You never needed me." Harry said before walking out.

I tried to catch up with him. "But... was all you said about me true?"

He nodded. He can't leave me. I never realized I actually needed someone this much. I don't want everything to go back to the way it was, I want to stay here with him, and the guys, and Gemma.

"Don't leave me." I whispered.

He looked at me before he turned his back towards me again. "This is the last time we'll ever see each other. Goodbye Carrie."

He then walked off and I saw him fade away. I need him in my life because I want him... and I love him. All this time, I loved him. But, now I'll never get to see him again. He's nothing but a memory in the back of my mind.


       Zayn took me to the airport and we made it just in time. We still had some time left, so we waited. Zayn noticed my gloomy look.

"What is it?" He asked me.

"I don't want to go."

He turned towards me and looked at me sternly. "You'll be much safer at home than here, we can't let something like this happen again."

"I don't care, Zayn! I don't care if Harry killed those people who were supposedly my parents, he did it because he cared about me, even if he had a funny way of showing it."

Zayn sighed. They soon announced that the flight to California was here so I got up.

"Zayn, tell everyone that I'll miss them. I'll miss you too." I gave a small smile.

He nodded before smiling back. I was then off to the plane. Well, here I was starting a new life and none of this ever happened.

~So I hope y'all enjoyed Homicide. I'm totally jk this isn't the end I have so much more to write, plus I couldn't leave it off like this. Will this be the last of Harry Styles? *smirk*~

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