Chapter 21 ~ Unexpected

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Carrie's POV

He found me. He knows where I am. How the hell did he find me? I quickly hopped into the car and Julie noticed the frantic look on my face.

"We need to go." I demanded.

Julie just shrugged at me before starting the engine and backing out of the cemetery. I looked back and saw that Ethan wasn't there anymore. I sighed a little before turning back around.

"What was that all about?" I heard Julie's voice ask with concern.

"Nothing." I responded looking down.

Julie flickered her eyes at me before looking back at the road. She knew I was lying, she knew I was hiding something.

We arrived at what seemed to be a mall. "Why are we here?"

"I got to make one last stop, it'll be quick. You can stay in here." Julie said before getting out of the car.

I huffed as I watched her leave. I suddenly felt like someone was watching me. To make sure I'm not going crazy, I looked out my window. I saw him, he found me again. I had a sudden urge to get out of the car, so I did. I lowered my body, hiding behind the car, as I moved to go behind it. I looked to see if he was still there and he wasn't. I had to run and try to find Julie.

There was so many stores and so many people in the mall. Shit, I don't know which store Julie went in. I quickly glanced in every store trying to find her. I looked behind me and he was there again. I picked up my pace still managing to get through the crowd of people. I suddenly felt someone pull my arm and bringing me into a corner. Before I could scream, I actually saw who the person was.


I'd never thought I'd see her face again, and now here we are two years later.

"I don't have time to explain, but we have to leave now." Gemma said panicky.

"What? Why?"

Gemma took a deep breath before she spoke. "We need you. He needs you."

Gemma's POV

*3 days earlier*

Harry was getting worse. He's been much more of a bad person than he's ever been. We barely see him anymore because he's always out, always comes back drunk. He's starting to go back to his old ways. He's killing more people and his anger issues are coming back. He was also taking his anger out on the guys and me, they've been injured so many times.

The guys and I were sitting down, discussing what's been going on, when Louis suddenly came out from Harry's room with a big black eye.

"Just put Harry to bed." He huffed.

I ran and got him a bag of ice. He smiled at me as he put the bag to his throbbing eye.

"How you feelin', Lou?" Liam asked him.

"F*** off." Louis growled.

I couldn't take having to deal with this anymore. "This has to stop!" I yelled.

"Yeah, I'm sick of having to deal with Harry's shit. He's never acted this bad before." Niall grunted.

For the past two years this has been going on and on, and it needs to end now.

"Ever since Carrie left..." I mumbled.

They all heard me and looked up. That was it! Ever since we had to send Carrie back home, Harry's been acting all crazy. But we sent her away to keep her safe, we can't risk her life again. They were all probably thinking the same thing, and I knew exactly what it was.

"There is no way in hell we're bringing Carrie back."

Carrie's POV

*present time*

"So yeah, that's why I'm here." Gemma finished leaving me bewildered.

She came all this way to get me because Harry couldn't keep his shit together? Do they actually believe I would help him after what he did to me? He left me when I needed him! He left me lost and confused about my life because I don't really know who I am anymore!

"Do you really think I'm that stupid? I'm not just going to come back because he left me! He left me with nothing, I wanted to find out who my real family was but he didn't give me anything!" I yelled with anger.

"Might as well just tell him to get off his ass because I'm not going back." I added before brushing past her and walking away.

Gemma then caught up with me and stopped me. "He would've told you about your family, but there was no time. Who knows what our father could've done if you didn't leave soon!"

I looked down and sighed.

"Look, if you come back and help us we'll answer all your questions." Gemma promised.

I've been wanting to figure out who my family was for the past two years. The only way I can get my answers is through Harry. If I go, it's only for my answers and I can't let Harry distract me. I have to, I got to, this is for my family.

"I'll go, but it's for my family."

Louis' POV

Gemma just called me and said she has Carrie. Everything will finally be coming back together again, we just got to make sure the father doesn't find out about it. Liam suddenly burst through the door and ran towards me.

"We have a problem." He said.

"What is it?"

"Mr. Styles has a plan that he's going to send people to come and kill us. He even sent someone to go kill Carrie."

My eyes widened. "Who?"

Liam paused before saying, "Ethan."

That little shit is probably going after her now, or is going after her and Gemma. "What does he want from us?!" I yelled.

"He wants Harry dead, obviously, but maybe there's something else." Liam answered.

We got to go find the others and go to the airport to make sure Gemma and Carrie are back safely. Hopefully there will be no unexpected visitors waiting to blow their brains out there. That would make this job one hundred times easier at least.

~ Girl, you know I'm all about surprises lol. Hope y'all enjoyed, I'm sorry that it took a while to update cuz school is so freaking stressful, but here it is! ~

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