~Chapter 16~

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I felt so lonely at the house alone, I missed Paris so much. I wanted to see her and be there when she gave birth, but Jc would kill me if he even saw my face. I called him earlier and he answered but it didn't go so well.
Jc" hello?"

Kian" hey Jc it's Kian I just wanted to ask if I could be there for the birth of my son."

Jc" I don't know Kian you would need to stay a little but far from Paris about 2 feet."

Kian" I'm ok with that I just wanna see her again."

Jc" ok...I guess you can come over for a little while."

Kian" great I'm on my way."
I got my keys and headed over and once I got there I saw Ricky and Paris kissing. I was shocked I never thought she would date him. Paris saw me and got more happy.
Paris" Kian!"

Kian" hey prego, how have you been."

Paris" oh I've just been good and pregnant."

Kian" can I feel."

Paris" of course."
I pressed my hands against her belly and felt a little kick it warmed my heart to feel my son for the first time. Jc came and looked at me giving me the 'you're too close' look, I backed away a little and sat down I smiled at Paris and she did the same. Ricky looked confused and Jc was still staring at me.
Kian" so when is the baby due?"

Paris" in.."

Jc" in December."
Paris looked at Jc with a mug face. She then got up and went to her room Ricky and I helped her up. She left the room and Jc was instantly in my face.
Jc" what did I say about distance."

Kian" I know I just wanted to help her up."

Ricky" what are you even doing here Kian."

Kian" she wanted me to come."

Jc" no you wanted to come I don't even think she wants you here."

Kian" well she was sure happy to see me, Jc why can't you just let me be supportive of my child."

Jc" because I know what you're trying to do you're trying to get her to get back with you just so you can do the same thing again to her and that child."

Kian" Jc I would never hurt my own child or Paris."

Jc" you know one of your past girlfriends was pregnant before you killed her.. Yeah you remember Jennifer even though she's dead."

Kian" Jc stop I'm not like that anymore I've changed."

Ricky" Kian just go no one wants you here."

Paris" I do."
Paris came out of her room and walked over to me. She had a happy but concerned look on her face.
Paris" Jc he's not harming anyone."

Jc" yeah not yet."

Paris" well if he's such an threat in this house then maybe we'll both leave since in the only one who wants him here."
She started for the door and motioned for me to follow. I came over to her, held her hands and kissed her.
Kian" Paris you need to stay here I'll go."

Paris" ok but text me."
She kissed me and I left. I felt bad but confident, I know Jc probably wanted to kill me right now but didn't cause of the sake of Paris. I went back home and texted Paris then fell asleep feeling amazing.

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