~Chapter 21~

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Today was the day of her funeral and honestly I just wanted to stay home, I haven't left my house in 4 weeks. Sam comes and brings me things like groceries and stuff like that, but this time he brought me my suit and was a little aggressive.
Sam" get up get dressed now."

Jc" Sam I can't stand to see her like that."

Sam" well you are today go put on your suit."

Jc" can I please just stay home I don't feel like dealing with family and all that bullshit with our dad."

Sam" Jc this is your sister you have to at least show some support."

Jc" alright fine but if one bullshit thing happens I'm out."
We got dressed and headed to the funeral while driving we picked up Kian which then I was pissed I didn't even speak for the whole car ride I just listened to music. When we got there my dad immediately started to yell at me.
Dad" Justin you were suppose to protect your sister what the fuck is wrong with you, you got her killed your a disgrace to this family."

Jc" good to see you too dad."

Mom" oh Justin baby boy I'm glad your here..how did this happen?"

Jc" ask Kian mom he did it."
My mom got a furious facial expression then and went over to Kian and started to hit and yell at him. I sat in the front with some other family and waited for the service to start. The pastor spoke a lot and then it was my turn to say some things and the minute I said her name I broke down in tears but I continued on anyway.
Jc" Paris was an amazing sister I love her with all my heart I always remember when we were kids we would fight a lot but we still loved each other. I protected Paris always,but this time I couldn't and I'm mad as hell that I couldn't but I'll miss her a lot she was the best thank you."
After the service we went to the grave sight and they buried her then everyone left but me,Sam and Kian. They were in the car and I was still standing at her grave trying to cope with the fact that she's gone.

A few minutes later I headed to the car and we went home. I got out of my suit and relaxed my whole day was filled with crying and taking naps. I barely ate anything because I didn't feel like it Sam still came over and cooked and forced me to eat he was a good friend to deal with me when I'm like this. We sat and made some videos together I put on my fake smile and pressed the record button.

After hours of recording and playing around Sam left and I was alone again I went to bed and woke up in the middle of the night in a puddle of sweat and tears,I got up and walked around my apartment I went into her room everything was still the same. I smiled a little looking at the picture of us when we first went to Disney land. I stayed up for the rest of the night and in the morning I got dressed and watched tv I wanted to go somewhere I just didn't know where maybe the park, the beach somewhere to get away from all this. Sam wanted me to go with him to the movies but I declined. I stayed in the house all day until I heard a small knock on my door.
I opened it and there was a boy who looked about 7 or 8 he had a backpack on and a phone in his hand.

Boy" are you Jc Caylen?"

Jc" yeah who are you?"

Boy" my name is J."

Jc" are you lost or something?"

Boy"no I'm suppose to be here."

Jc" who sent you."

Boy" my daddy his name is Chris."

Jc" well come in make yourself at home...um where is your dad."

Boy" In Texas."

Jc" how did you get here."

Boy" I ran away my mommy left me a paper with this address and your phone number."

Jc" well where is mommy?"

Boy" dead."

Jc" oh I'm Sorry."
The boy sat on the couch and pulled out a paper with familiar hand writing it was a letter from his dad and mom. I didn't know who he was, but I let him stay he seems like a good kid who is just lost and confused, but who sent him to me.

Heyyy so this is the last chapter, but surprise there's gonna be a book 2 I'll tell the title in the next A/N.
I'm guessing that you guys have already figured out what's gonna happen but if you haven't don't worry it will all be explained in book 2.
Love u guys though see you in the next book.

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