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Sousuke was always a quiet person but there was one person that always made him talk...Makoto Tachibana.

Sousuke didn't know why he talked mostly around him..he just...did that's when he realized that he was in love with him. At first he was in denial for liking another guy but eventually he gave in he accepted he was gay and accepted he loved Makoto. When he saw Makoto walking across the lunch room Sousuke thought "hmm well since we graduate in two more days why don't I go and tell him how I feel if he rejects me at least I won't see him after we graduate" he said to himself

Makoto's pov:
As I was walking across the lunch room I heard a low yet smooth voice call my name. Makoto chuckled because he immediately knew who it was "Sousuke" Makoto said to himself. Makoto walked over to his table and sat. "is there something you need Sousuke?" Makoto asked his head cocked to the side with a smile on his face.

Sousuke's pov:

Ah shit he did it again that smile Sousuke said to himself blushing.

"Ah... Yeah there is something I have..." Sousuke trailed off when he thought about the enviornment he was in " um actually I'll tell you after school ... Do you ...maybe have time to come over later?" Sousuke asked blushing a deeper shade of red" Sure!" Makoto said over cheerfully "I would love to come over". And so Sousuke and Makoto went on with the rest of there day anticipating for school to get over with.

THERE YOU HAVE IT this was just my first ever story on here so PLZ let me know what you think and tell me if I should update and if you don't mind I would love some writing tips.

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