Forgive & Forget

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The next day Makoto got a phone call from Kisumi while he was getting the twins ready for bed. Sousuke who was sitting right next to the phone saw that it was ringing and decided to answer. Sousuke picked up the phone and walked out side so that Makoto wouldn't hear him " Eh Sousuke where are you going this late?" Makoto asked." Just going outside to get some fresh air" Sousuke said putting on an innocent smile so that Makoto wouldn't get suspicious. " Oh okay hurry back!"Makoto yelled from the other room. "Okay i'll be back in about 10 minutes". Once Sousuke got outside he answered the phone. "Hello" Sousuke said angrily. " HIII TACHIBABY!!!" Sousuke removed the phone from his ear due to Kisumi screamed in the phone. " T-tachibaby? Kisumi do you honestly think that Makoto wants you?" Sousuke said growing more and more angry with every word that came out his mouth. "Huh? oh its just you Sousuke. Why do you have Makoto's phone?" Kisumi said getting annoyed. " You didn't answer my question" Sousuke said. Kisumi sighed "Alright fine you want an answer to your question? well here ya go. Makoto wants me because he loves me" Kisumi explained. At this point Sousuke wanted to reach right through the phone and strangle Kisumi. " Look Kisumi when will you realize that Makoto doesn't love you! He loves me and only me i know everything about him and you don't!" Sousuke said. "Oh really?" Kisumi said " Really" Sousuke answered. " Then did you know that me and him used to date?" Kisumi said confident that he had Makoto now. "w-what!!!" Sousuke shouted angry that he was never told this. "Yep in middle school me and Makoto were a thing" Kisumi said like he was some big shot. Sousuke dropped the phone and just sat there in dismay. Kisumi's voice was muffled in the background. " Sousuke h-hello are you there oiii" *Beep* Sousuke turned of the phone and walked inside filled with rage. 

"Oh Sousuke you're back are you ready for bed?" Sousuke just sat there in front of the door with his head down. " Eh Sousuke what's wrong? Are you okay?" Makoto asked concerned. Finally Sousuke lifted his head his face clearly showing how angry was with Makoto. He walked towards Makoto. " Did you date kisumi" Sousuke asked. Makoto looked surprised w-w-what w-where is this coming from?" Makoto asked slightly afraid of Sousuke's tone and attitude. "Answer my question" Sousuke said forcefully. " Sousuke w-what are you talking about i-" Makoto was cut off "JUST ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION!!!" Sousuke yelled awaking the twins and causing them to cry. Makoto could here the twins starting to cry in the other room " Sousuke please calm down your scaring the kids" Makoto tried to tell him but he just wouldn't listen. Sousuke began to crouch down on the floor " Why *hic hic* why can't it just be me and only me* sniff*?" Makoto got down on the floor with Sousuke. "Sousuke it is you and only you and it will always be you. Yes I did date Kisumi when I was in middle school but our relationship had no meaning there was no love in that relationship. But then I found you and what I felt was real what you felt was real because we were meant to be together and I have no intention of leaving you or getting back together with Kisumi.  Sousuke looked up at Makoto his eyes red and puffy from crying " R-really?" Sousuke asked. Makoto cupped Sousuke's face with his hands and kissed him softly " Of course" Makoto reassured him. Makoto stood up and put his hand on his hip          "Now since you caused this trouble you have to put the kids back to sleep" Makoto said. "Eh but I don't know how to do that" Sousuke whined "Well I guess you're gonna have to learn"

                                                                        ~~~~~~~3 minutes later~~~~~~~

" Okay! finally finished" Sousuke said to himself while he walked towards their bedroom. As Sousuke walked inside the bedroom he saw Makoto sitting on the side of the bed waiting for Sousuke. " Oh hey I thought you were already asleep by now" Sousuke said. Makoto fiddled with his fingers " w-well I was but I kinda wanted to ask you a question" Makoto said. " Okay sure" Sousuke sat down on the bed beside Makoto " well I wanted to ask just how did you get all that information about me and Kisumi dating in middle school?" Sousuke rubbed the back of his head and laughed nervously. " Heh well you see when you were getting the kids ready for bed I saw that you were getting a call from him so I decided to answer and so when I said that I was going outside that was actually me getting ready to fuss him out" Sousuke Explained. Sousuke saw the Makoto was saying nothing and began to get worried. " I-its not beca-" Sousuke was cut off by Makoto give him a great big hug " Thank you" Makoto said his voice muffled by Sousuke's shoulder " Eh y-you're not mad at me for taking your phone behind your back and yelling at you and lying to you?" Sousuke asked confused " nope because I know that you did it because you care about me and that's why I love you." Sousuke smiled "I love you too. Now lets go to bed"

YAAAS I UPDATED THIS CHAPTER I FEEL SO PROUD I HOPE YOU LIKE IT AND THANKS FOR READING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and isn't the image just adorable uggggh i love them so much 

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