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3 months later

Now that Makoto had graduated and was out of school Sousuke was focused on taking care of makoto. Sousuke decided that he should get a job so that he could take care of makoto now that they were living together.

Makoto was in the living room with a open flannel shirt ( since he cannot close it ) and a black t shirt underneath and black maternity pants he was playing mortal combat on his ps4 waiting for Sousuke to get home. Makoto usually played video games while Sousuke was at work because now that the baby was really showing he didn't go out on public much. " UGH Sousuke HURRY UP I want pickles and ice cream" Makoto was now starting to crave weird mixtures and his hormones were all over the place.

When Sousuke walked in the front door of their home they were now living in together he saw Makoto playing the game with his legs crossed on the couch and his controller on top of his tummy. Sousuke smiled at him being so focused on the game but his smile soon faded when he saw what he was playing. A girl with crazy teeth was eating the face of a girl with bugs around her. Sousuke was horrified that his gentle lover would play a game so bloody and gorey Hes always hated that game but hated it even more now that the baby was on the way.

"MAKOTO" Sousuke yelled Makoto jumped when he heard his name called out of the blue "AH!!! WHAT!!! Huh? Oh it's just you Sousuke get welcome home" Makoto tilted his head in confusion when he saw Sousuke angry face " is something wrong?" Makoto asked " YES!!! why are playing such a gorey game with a baby on the way!!!"
Sousuke asked angrily. Makoto face contorted in pain and moaned in pain while clutching his stomach which made Sousuke angry face turn into worry " ARE YOU OKAY!!!" Sousuke asked worried " Yeah I'm fine it's just ever since the baby's ears develop whenever your near it starts kicking...guess it really likes you" Sousuke felt bad that he was causing Makoto pain but he was happy that the baby seems to like him. Thinking of the baby made Makoto remember an important appointment he had today " OH YEAH!!!! Today we are going to find out the gender of the baby!!!" he said happily. " you're right so you should go and put on your shoes Sousuke said "okay" Makoto uncrossed his legs and rocked back and forth attempting to get up before turning a deep shade of red from embarrassment. Sousuke Chuckled because he knew what Makoto was about to ask " um
s-sousuke can you um h-help me up please?" Makoto said blushing Sousuke Chuckled at his embarrassed boyfriend " Hahaha sure I'll help you" Sousuke said grabbing Makoto's hand and pulling him up. Once Makoto got up he went and got his shoes that were in the corner of the room near the door once again since Makoto couldn't really bend over he needed help again. " Sousuke i-" Sousuke cut him off before he could finish " don't worry I'll help you Sousuke said getting one knee. Makoto blushed because he thought of Sousuke proposing

Makoto and Sousuke were now in the doctor's office both very excited. " Makoto Tachibana and Sousuke Yamazaki" the same nurse they had when they found out Makoto was pregnant but this time when she saw Sousuke she blushed and looked down at her clipboard leading the way to the ultrasound room luckily Makoto didn't notice but Sousuke did.
Please step inside here and sit on that table there. Makoto and Sousuke walked inside when Sousuke felt something grab his was the nurse. "May I talk to you for a second?" Sousuke looked at Makoto not wanting to leave him until Makoto nodded his head saying he would be fine.

They were now in the hall just outside the door since Sousuke don't want to be far from his beloved. The nurse was now blushing like crazy while Sousuke thought ' what is wrong with her?' " u-um I know you barely know me b-but" the nurse started " i-i really like you and was wondering if you had a girl friend" Sousuke was shocked ' the NURSE is hitting on me is she even aloud to DO that' Sousuke thought be fire he responded unashamed of what he was about to say " Sorry honey buut I'm gay and that dude in there is my boyfriend and I'm the father of that baby inside him" . The nurse was no really dejected now that she was rejected but still managed to put on a happy face " o-okay I understand and I'm sorry " and they both walked back inside leaving it at that.

Makoto was now on his back with his head twisting up to look at the screen and looking at the nurse...she kinda looked like she was about to cry " um ma'am if you don't mind me asking are you okay?" the nurse looked up and smiled while Sousuke had a worry look on his face thinking she would tell Makoto about what happened outside " hmm oh don't worry I'm fine. On the other hand I've found out the gender or you baby!" the nurse said more cheerfully "Yay please tell us!!!" Makoto said happily Ok well if you insist the gender of your baby is a...

Welp there it is sorry it took me so long school has been a pain ( on my leg ^^ lol) but I've just haven't found enough time I have two giant projects almost due so I've been slaving away at that so I don't really have time to be on my phone a lot. OH YEAH. Sry bout the cliff hanger Buuut I'm going to bed now.

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