Getting used to this

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Makoto and Sousuke walked out of the hostpital holding two beautiful baby boys and a giant smile on both faces.

"I can't believe we are gonna be parents" spoke Makoto. Sousuke looked at Makoto and smiled. " Yeah I can't believe it either" Sousuke said holding Makoto's free hand.

"But are we really ready for this?" Makoto asked smiling down on his baby that was squeezing his finger with his soft pudgy hands.

Sousuke looked down at Makoto with a confused look on his face. " What do you mean?" Sousuke asked slightly worried.

Makoto looked up from his child " Well I mean we are still kinda I don't know young and dumb and I mean I don't know the first thing about raising a child so what if we mess up, what if our kids get bullied for having two underaged gay parents what if- " Sousuke cut Makoto of from finishing his next sentence.

Sousuke looked into Makoto's eyes " Makoto I know that you are worried about our children and what happens to them but as long as they have us and they know we will always be there for them then everything is okay" Sousuke said holding Makoto's waist with his free hand.

Makoto leaned his head on Sousuke until they got to the car .
Makoto held both of the baby's in his lap as he cooed at the baby's and made them laugh.

Sousuke smiled at Makoto because even though his kids were adorable Makoto was even cuter right now and really wanted to make love to Makoto right now since he hadn't done it in forever due to Makoto's pregnancy. So tonight lets just say Sousuke had something big planned ( luckily his package arrived today)

Sousuke arrived at their home finally. Makoto walked inside the house with the babies in his arm and immediately walked to the nursery.

Makoto walked into the nursery and sat on a white rocking chair and sighed as he sat down while.

Sousuke walked into his room to change into something more "comfortable" and walked into the nursery to get Makoto but stopped as he heard Makoto talking to the babies.

" You know I went through a lot to have you boys like morning sickness, Cravings, mood swings and many more" Makoto spoke.

" But in the end it was all worth it. I just really hope that you don't hate me. I know ever kids dream is to have a normal family but *sniff* I know that I am everything but normal because I'm g-gay" Makoto said before bursting into tears.

Sousuke had heard enough and seen enough he bursted into the room and went to hug Makoto tight scaring Makoto causing him to quickly wipe away his tears.

" Please stop talking like that Makoto we are going to raise our kids just like any other family would we are going to treat them like any other family and we are gonna be just like any other family! just because we are gay doesn't mean that we aren't normal and you need to stop talking like that!"

"Sou i-i'm sorry it's just i-" Makoto was cut off by Sousuke kissing him hard.

"You have nothing to worry about a thing because we are gonna be the perfect family " Sousuke said putting the sleeping babies in two separate cribs.

"Now" Sousuke said holding out his hand. " Let's go to our room I have a surprise for you" Sousuke said with a sly grin .

Sousuke walked Makoto to their room."Makoto stared at the box in the middle of the bed. What's that" Makoto asked.

Sousuke opened the box revealing a pink vibrator and a long chain of blue beads getting larger as you look down and a lot of other sex toys.

Makoto blushed so hard his face was red as blood " A-are those gonna be used on m-me?" Makoto asked.

Sousuke smiled evily " Yes now which one do you want to use first?"

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