Valentine's Day journey

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Valentine's day is here Sousuke thought while getting up careful not to disturb his sleeping Angel.

Sousuke got dressed by putting on his white tee shirt and leaving on his boxers and walked down stairs.

"Okay lets think what would Makoto like? Maybe we shouldn't do the everyday thing like chocolates and all that. I'm thinking something genuine something he'll remember forever...*gasp* I GOT IT!!!"

And with that Sousuke got dressed and left a note saying he would be right back and went off on his Valentine's day journey.

Meanwhile Makoto was panicking and wondering why he woke up to no Sousuke.

Makoto waddeled down stairs as fast as he could and searched for Sousuke.

His worrying quickly vanished when he saw the note Sousuke left in his neat and perfect hand writing: Gone to the store be right back xoxo happy Valentine's day.

Makoto smiled at the note before remembering " That's right it is Valentine's day!!! Crap need to figure out what I need to get but I don't want anyone to see me like this!!!" Makoto said putting his hands on top of his stomach.

" You know what I don't care if it's for Sousuke I'll do anything" Makoto got dressed and put on a baggy shirt so he wouldn't look that fat and some black maternity pants and went to the nearest jewlry store

"Okay I need blue paint two cradles I need this aaaand that" Sousuke mumbled to himself. He was going to make the nursery for Makoto.

" Hello welcome to ikebukuro seibo here we have the finest jewlery in all of tokyo. May I ask what you're looking for?"
A girl asked Makoto she had long black hair pulled back into a ponytail.

" Um yes I'm looking for something to give for Valentine's day" Makoto told her " Oh well we got some fabulous new rings in today if you want something genuine" the lady said making jazz hands and took Makoto over to a glass square with a bunch of beautiful and sparkling rings.

Makoto scaned looking for the rings until he saw one that really caught his eye was a pair of rings that were both silver and words saying everlasting love on both of them. The sight of them almost made Makoto cry but he held it together.

Makoto took the rings and waited in line staring at the person in front of him he looked so familiar so Makoto tapped the sholder of the person and sure enough the person he saw was his life long best friend haru.

"HARU!!!" Makoto yelled covering his stomach The best he could. " Makoto oh God how are you it's been forever " haru said hugging him before letting go with a startled look on His face.

"You've gotten a little bit bigger too" Haru spoke " well actually u-um" Makoto bent down to speak in his ear "pregnant" Makoto whispered "I know that it's weird and you probably won't believe me but it's true" Haru stopped Makoto with his hand " I believe you because I am too with a girl" Makoto eyes widened " REALLY you too? I'm pregnant with twins" it was Haru's turn to be surprised " T-twins oh my god when's your due date" haru asked
Makoto and Haru conversation went on for a while until it was time to go home.

Sousuke took a step back and looked at the creation he made of the nursery. " Makoto is gonna love this he migh-" Sousuke was cut off by the sound of a door opening.

"SOUSUKE I'M HOME!!!" Makoto yelled waiting to hear Sousuke's voice"I'm upstairs" a muffled voice came. "Oh okay well can you come down for a minute?" Makoto asked holding the gift behind his back " Sure be down in a sec" Makoto heard Sousuke's feet run down the stairs till they we're face to face " Happy Valentines day Sousuke" " Happy valetines day Makoto" Sousuke said kissing Makoto's cheek.

I Have something for you Makoto said handing him a dark purple velvet box with two rings. Sousuke opened the box and stared at the rings.

Suddenly Makoto was pulled into a kiss and as Sousuke pulled away he looked into Makoto's emerald green orbs " I love you soooo much" Sousuke whispered in Makoto's ear which caused him to turn beet red.

Now its time for my gift follow me Sousuke said taking Makoto's hand and led him up the stairs.

"TA-DAAA Sousuke said opening his arm revealing the beautiful nursery Sousuke worked so hard on. The nursery was baby blue the walls had stickers of elephants and a lot of other animals there was two white cradles inside with little music playing chandelier's above each of the cradle " Oh Sousuke it's beautiful" Makoto said hugging Sousuke."I'm glad you like it because I worked really hard to make sure that you would like it." Sousuke said " Like it I LOVE IT!!!" Makoto Said tears still running down his face.

" Here let me see your hand" Sousuke asked. Makoto gave him his hand. Sousuke took out the box took the mirrors out and slid it onto Makoto's finger " Our love will be everlasting just me and you forever" Sousuke said.

This only caused Makoto to cry even more. Makoto took Sousuke's hand and slid the ring on Sousuke's slender finger. "Right out love will last forever" Makoto said hugging Sousuke " I love you so much"

I hope you enjoyed this little one shot of my favorite couple Soumako I decided to make this since it is Valentine's day but I don't expect it to take so long to upload.

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