It's time.

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"PUSH!!!" the nurses yelled " AGHHHHHH!" Makoto screamed in pain.

30 minutes earlier

Makoto was in the kitchen cooking dinner for him and Sousuke while humming to a song he was listening to on his phone.

Makoto dance around the kitchen grabbing different spices and ingredients when suddenly Makoto felt a pair of arms wrapped around his waist. Makoto felt Sousuke's warm breath on his neck.

"I was calling your name" Sousuke said pulling the white iPhone ear plugs out of Makoto's ears.

"Oh sorry I guess i didn't hear you. Was there something that you needed" Makoto asked. "You"
Sousuke spoke, his face emotionless but his eyes had a lustful look. Well no wonder they say eyes are the window to the soul.

Makoto blushed a deep red." We cant do that right now Sousuke!!!" Makoto said trying to put his earphones back in but failing because Sousuke just took them back out.

" Please Makoto!!!" Sousuke said making a puppy face which he was suprisingly good at. Makoto was never able to resist that face. But now he was pregnant.

Makoto turned his back took his headphones and plainly said "No" and went back to cooking.

"UGHHHH FIIIINE" Sousuke grumbled stomping back into the living room. Sousuke was sexually frustrated due to the fact that Makoto was pregnant.

Sousuke plopped onto the couch and pulled out his phone. A few minutes later Sousuke heard an ear piercing scream coming from the kitchen.

Sousuke ran to the kitchen quicker than a Jack rabbit ( Sorry that was really corny) only to find Makoto on the floor crying sitting in a puddle of pinkish colored blood.

"MAKOTO ARE YOU OKAY!!!!!" Sousuke yelled with worry only to be responded with another scream. " AHHH!!! call...the doctor......NOW!!" Makoto panted out screaming in pain on his last word.

"O-okay" Sousuke said "but for now I need you to breath in and out in and out"
Makoto stared into Sousuke eyes following his breath.

" Hello...yes This is Sousuke yamazaki my boyfriend is about to give birth y-yes I know it sounds crazy but just please be ready when we get there. Okay? Okay thank you".

~time skip~

Makoto and Sousuke arrived at the hostpital Sousuke in buckled Makoto's seat belt open the door and runs inside to get a wheelchair.

"Are you Sousuke yamazaki?" a nurse asked with a serious and stern face "yes" Sousuke answered " The nurses are waiting for you in room 308.

Sousuke pushed Makoto to room 308 and left the rest to the nurse.

Sousuke was now holding Makoto's hand while he was pushing. " AHHHHH IT HURTS!!!!!!" Makoto screamed with sweat and tears pouring down his face.

" It's okay Makoto you're gonna be just fine. Imagine how happy you're gonna be when you're holding two beautiful baby boys in your arm" the thought made Makoto and Sousuke tear up

The head and shoulders of the first baby were now visible
" NGHHH AHHHHHHH. OKAYYY the first baby is out" the nurses cheered. Makoto was crying tears of you when he heard his baby crying. Sousuke held Makoto tight tears rolling down his eyes as well at the thought that he was a father. " Okay ladies take that baby clean him and take care of his needs while I'll take care of the second one" Makoto moaned in pain as he felt the second one coming. "Okay Makoto get ready to push on 3 okay. 1...2...3!!!" Makoto pushed as hard as he could desperate to get the second baby out. " AHHHHHHH SOUSUKE PLEASE HELP NGHHHH IT HURTS IT HURTS SO MUCH" Makoto screamed pleading for help" Makoto you are a strong person you are going to be okay you are gonna be just fine I am here for you!" Sousuke cheered Makoto on. Pain shot through Makoto which caused him to push again. Makoto squeezed Sousuke's hand until he heard a pop and a grunt of pain from Sousuke " I'm sorry" Makoto said he was almost positive that he just broke Sousuke's hand " Makoto don't worry about me you just keep pushing" Sousuke said his voice strained from Makoto squeezing his hand. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Makoto screamed pushing the rest of the baby out of him. Silence surronded the room until..."WAHHHH" the crying of a baby filled the room. Makoto held out his weak arms wanting to hold his baby's the nurse took care of the second one so they gave Makoto the second one he was beautiful.

His eyes were teal with flecks of green, his hair was a dark brown like Sousuke's, his lips were a dark pink and moist.

Once Makoto was done studying the first one the nurses handed him the second one. Makoto's vision started going blurry while he was trying to look at his son.

Makoto tapped Sousuke's shoulder closing His eyes in attempt to relieve to His dizziness " yes Makoto. Could you please hold him for me?"Makoto said carefully holding up the baby " sure but Makoto are you feeling okay you look kinda pale" Sousuke asked worried.

" Well actually Sousuke I feel kinda-" Makoto passed out before he could finish his sentence "MAKOTO!!!!!"

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