Change of plans?

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Ever since Makoto found out he was having twins it's like he's been having a wrestling match in his stomach

Makoto was curled up on the couch ( in the best way possible) crying with Sousuke comforting the best he could " i-it h-hurts so much Sousuke. Please help me. It hurts" Makoto cried out " Makoto I wish I could help you because it hurts me so much seeing you like this and I would fix this if I could but I can't give you Tylenol because it might hurt the babies." Sousuke said his eyes filled with sympathy. "I-i dont think I'll be able to give birth" Makoto said wiping his puffy eyes. Sousuke's eyes turned wide " W-what!!! what do you mean? Are you saying you want an a-abortion?" Sousuke struggled to get the last word out he hated the idea of killing a kid who hasn't even been born yet " WHAT ABORTION" Makoto yelled out " N-no not ever I was thinking of getting a c section I would never do something so heartless as to end the life of a kid let alone OUR kid!!!" Makoto yelled out " O-oh I thought yo-" Makoto gasped interrupting Sousuke's sentence " Sousuke it stopped!!!" Makoto said happily " the kicking stopped!!! Thank god it was killing me" Sousuke was glad that his baby was no longer in pain but was startled when he saw Makoto waddiling away mostly because he got up by himself. "Where are you going?" Sousuke asked as his eyes followed Makoto. " To the kitchen" Makoto said standing in the doorway. "The kids are craving some chocolate and hot sauce" makoto said rubbing his hands together hungrily. 'Ew' was all Sousuke thought but he knew that aruguing wasn't going to stop Makoto besides he wasn't the one eating it.

Makoto walked back in the living room with a pudding cup and a bottle of hot sauce and sat on the couch beside Sousuke. " Makoto" Sousuke called out as Makoto was seasoning his pudding with hot sauce. Makoto turned his head but his eyes were on the pudding. " Hmm" was all Makoto said. " What you said earlier about the c-section I don't think that will be possible" Sousuke now had Makoto's undivided attention " What? W-why not?" Makoto asked now putting a spoonful of hot pudding in his mouth. " Because I don't think it would be safe due to the fact that male pregnancy isnt something you see every day i-" Sousuke was cut off by a Makoto already on the verge of tears. " What do you mean you don't see everyday" Makoto asked tears falling down. " A-are you saying that I'm a-a freak just because I can get pregnant?" Makoto asked slightly raising his voice. " What no that's not what I was saying at all you're not a freak I think that being able to get pregnant is beautiful and is a blessing because you are the one that going to give us a family." Sousuke explained he wasn't angry at Makoto because he knew the only reason this was happening was because of Makoto's hormones. " R-really?" Makoto asked. " Absolutely" Sousuke reasured his hands cupping Makoto's face wiping away his tears. Now happy again a switch went off in Makoto's brain " Oh yeah!!! We need to think of baby names we cant go to the hospital give birth and not think about the names for them." Makoto explained. "Oh yeah maybe you're right we do need to think of names since we're having two boys we need boy names ( obviously). So got any ideas?" " well I've been thinking if a few"

Thank you so very much for reading this I know my uploading pace has been slowing down so I'm trying to get back in the game but It's very hard for me to focus Sometimes ( attention deficit) so yeah.

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