Don't leave

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" MAKOTO!!!! WAKE UP PLEASE WAKE UP!!!" Sousuke yelled " I gotta do something i-i gotta get a nurse" Sousuke said running into the hallway desperate to find a nurse

Sousuke searches and searched until he found the three nurses that helped Makoto give birth.

" Oh thank god. You gotta help me! I don't know what happened I was just holding our son while he held the other and then out of nowhere he-" Sousuke was stopped by the soft hand of a nurse landing on his shoulder.

" Mr. Yamazaki I get that your worried right now but I'm gonna need you to call down and tell me the full story. Okay?" the nurse spoke in a calm and friendly voice

The nurse was friendly she had freckles on her cheeks going across her nose and whenever she smiled deep dimples would come up on her cheeks she had short dark hair with the front pinned down with streaks of gray.  On her shirt her name tag had the word Hikaru Sousuke didn't know why but her apperance made him feel safe like he could tell her anything.

Sousuke took a deep breath before beginning " Okay... So I was in the room with Makoto holding one of our kids. I noticed that Makoto was looking a little pale when I first looked at him. while I was holding our child he tapped my shoulder with his eyes closed and asked if I could hold our other child. I took the other child and asked him what was wrong before I could finish my sentence Makoto passed out. And that's when I came to get you guys. Sousuke spoke.

The nurses bobbed their heads up and down while listening to what Sousuke had to say. "Thank you Mr.Yamazaki we will take care of Makoto"  The head nurse said but first let me take care of your hand. Sousuke looked down at his red and swollen hand. Sousuke didn't realized it was hurting until the nurse pointed it out because he was to busy thinking about Makoto. " Okay you can take care of it after Makoto but for now I'll be fine."

"As you wish Mr.Yamazaki" the nurses said heading to their room.

When the nurses walked in they immediately got to work while Sousuke stood in the corner and prayed in his head ' please god don't let me lose my Makoto he means the world to me and i don't know what I would do if I were to lose him I know you probably have seen some of the things I've done in the past but believe me I have changed since then and I realized I was wrong  but love is love and all that matters is that I'm happy right? So please god please help Makoto.

Sousuke was stopped in his prayer by the sound of a long beeeeeeeeeeep and more doctor's rushing in " W-whats happening i-is Makoto all Right!!!"

Sousuke said running to Makoto's side only to be pushed away by a male doctor 27th greying hair. " Sir we're gonna need you to step outside"

Before Sousuke thought a man was pushing him towards the door "what no what's happening I need to be there for him let me back in!!!" Sousuke fought only failing though

Sousuke was out there for a good ten minutes before they let him in " someone would like to see you" The same nurse who helped Sousuke walked him back in.

Sousuke almost cried at the sight it was Makoto sitting straight up looking into Sousuke's eyes. Sousuke ran towards Makoto Before squeezing him in great big hug "Oh im so glad you're okay. Dont you EVER leave me like that ever again I didn't know what I would do with out you."

Makoto buried his head deep in Sousuke's  shoulder Before speaking " I know and I'm sorry but you can rest assured that I will never EVER leave you again" Makoto said pulling Sousuke into a long deep kiss.

"But Sousuke you really should get your hand checked out" Makoto said laughing

Sousuke looked down at his hand " oh yeah. Okay I'll get it fixed right now but I'll be right back okay?"

" okay" Makoto answered " I love you" Sousuke turned around with a light blush " I love you too"

Soumako: Family ( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now