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3 weeks later...

Makoto was STILL vomiting his guts out but Sousuke now started to notice a pattern in his vomiting but didn't really want to think it was true.

Nobody's pov

" Ugh...bleghh!!!! URK blehh!!!!!" Sousuke waited a second before talking. " A-are you done now?" Makoto flushed the toilet but stayed on the floor with his head down " Y-yeah " Makoto weakly responded before he started crying silently. " Makoto!!! W-what's wrong!!!! Are you hurt anywhere?!? Do you feel pain!?"
Sousuke's shouting surprised makoto. " why are you crying?" it took Makoto a second to realize that he was crying ' huh I am crying' Makoto thought ' why' he questioned. "I-i don't know why I'm crying...maybe it's because of the vomiting" Sousuke faced became more relaxed after he heard that Makoto was ( almost) fine. "Oookay ANYWAY this morning sickness has been going on for weeks and its starting to scare me. So today we are going to the doctor's office." Sousuke said and finally Makoto agreed " yeah you're right I thought it was a little stomach bug but I guess not. Makoto stood up and rinsed his mouth out with blue mouth wash before leaving the bathroom too get clothes. After he came back in Sousuke already was making breakfast so Makoto went and took his shower .

Makoto's POV

Inside the bathroom Makoto took of his shirt but left his pant on for awhile while Makoto was staring at himself in the mirror he noticed a little Bump on his stomach " hmm guess I'm gaining weight".

Nobodys POV

In the car

Makoto and Sousuke were now in the car buckeld up and on their way to the doctor's office.

At the office

Sousuke and Makoto were sitting down in the office. Makoto could see that Sousuke was worried so he tried to comfort him Makoto took Sousuke hand and held it tight " I'll be fine Sousuke don't worry" before Sousuke could respond a nurse interupted  "Makoto Tachibana" when his name was called Makoto got up and walked towards the nurse. " You can come in as well sir" the nurse said to Sousuke. Makoto and Sousuke walked down the hall following the nurse to an ultrasound room. " so it says here you've been vomiting alot but only in the mornings...is this true" the nurse asked " yes it's true" Makoto responded . The nurse looked down at a silver clip board that was in her hand and jotted something down while nodding her head.  Okay Mr.Tachibana could you please sit back. Makoto did as he was told. The nurse pulled up Makoto shirt and pulled out a bottle of gel from behind her " this might be a little cold" she warned. Makoto shivered as she rubbed the gel on her stomach. The nurse waves a wand around his stomach while looking back and forth at the screen and his stomach. The nurse made a great big smile before wiping the gel off of Makoto's stomach. " What's wrong with me?" Makoto asked sitting up " well Mr Tachibana it seems that you're pregnant!!" the nurse said smiling. Makoto almost fainted after hearing that but luckily Sousuke was there to catch him. " P-Pregnant!!! Tha-that's not even possible!!!" Makoto said " well for most guys it isn't but for you it is. You May have a penis but on the inside you a female reproductive system. And since you had unprotected sex you are now pregnant...3 weeks pregnant to be exact.

After the nurse left the room Makoto busted out crying Sousuke immediately came to his side to comfort him " wha-what am I going to do!?!" Makoto cried out " i-im sorry Sousuke it's all my fault...I don't blame you if you want to leave me." Sousuke was surprised at what Makoto said " WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!!!! I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU ." Sousuke shouted which startled Makoto Sousuke's voice turned into a softer tone " Me and you are going to go through this together we are going to get through this just me and you" Makoto started to cry even more not because he was sad but because he realized how much Sousuke loved him. Makoto gave Sousuke a big hug before saying " I love you Sousuke i love you so much"

Here you go a new updated chapter I really hoped you liked it.

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