Old Friends

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Makoto woke up to the sound of babies cry. Makoto got out of bed limping slightly due to last nights activities and walked to Akihiko and Akiko's room. Makoto went to their cribs and picked them up and held them each in both arms. Makoto rocked them back and forth. Sousuke walked in behind Makoto holding two bottles of milk. Makoto turned around and smiled at the sleepy Sousuke."Good morning" Makoto said." Good morning "  Sousuke said " I brought you some milk" Makoto looked down at what Sousuke was holding. "Oh! thanks that's just what I needed. I'm so lucky to have someone like you" Makoto said happily. " And i'm lucky to have someone like you as well." Makoto giggled as Sousuke walked out of the room to make breakfast for him and Makoto.

Makoto walked into the kitchen where Sousuke was and sat the babies down in their matching high chairs. Makoto pulled up a chair in the middle so the he could help them drink their milk.

After they finished drinking Makoto took them to the bathroom so that he could get them ready for the day. Makoto took off their matching  Giraffe onesie's and diaper's and put them both in the tub. Makoto filled the tub with warm water and bubbles until it stopped at their belly buttons. he then added two rubber ducky's. The babies laughed and splashed the water as Makoto gently tickled their tummies and cooed at them. after they were done taking a bath Makoto dried them off with a soft towel and applied baby oil to both of them. Makoto put baby powder in their diapers and put them on and them put them in their cute matching  grey onesie that said I woke up this cute in big blue letters.

After their bath Makoto took the babies to the kitchen where Sousuke was making a simple breakfast of eggs, bacon, toast, and coffee and sat them in their high chairs again and walked up to Sousuke and hugged him from behind. Sousuke turned around " Shouldn't I be the one doing that?" Sousuke asked. " Change is good" Makoto said clinging on the taller male. Makoto sniffed Sousuke he always thought that he smelt like sandalwood which Makoto happened to love the smell of. Sousuke blushed "O-oi are you sniffing me!!!" Sousuke said. Makoto looked up at Sousuke to find him blushing. Makoto always thought that Sousuke was adorable when he was embarrassed and looking at him like that made Makoto want to bully Sousuke. Makoto grabbed Sousuke's face and pulled him into a deep kiss. Makoto's tongue brushed past Sousuke's teeth and got intertwined with his tongue. When Sousuke grabbed Makoto's waist to go in for more that's when Makoto let go the only connecting them now was a string of spit.

"Anyway the reason I came in here was to ask you if you could watch the kids while i got and get ready?" Makoto asked. " Sure" Sousuke said still dazed from the smexy kiss they just had. "Thanks babe" Makoto said. 

Makoto walked in the bathroom undressed and took his shower. After he finished taking his shower he dried off , brushed his teeth and got dressed and walked into the kitchen to eat breakfast.

After they ate Makoto brought the two seater stroller that they had bought and filled the back with stuff the babies would snacks, diapers, wipes, extra pairs of clothes etc. The small family then left to go spend the day together. 

Makoto and Sousuke thought that it would be a good idea to go to the board walk so they could just walk and enjoy this beautiful summer day. 

Once they arrived Makoto unbuckled the twins from their car seat while Sousuke unpacked the stroller. After Sousuke finished unpacking the stroller Makoto loaded the twins into the stroller buckled them up and put up the cover so they wouldn't get hurt by the sun.

After walking for about 30 minutes Makoto noticed a pink haired boy running towards before Makoto could move he was tackled by that pink haired boy . Akihiko laughed hard at the sight of Makoto falling. " MAKOTO!!!! ITS REALLY YOU!!!" the boy yelled helping Makoto up. "K-kisumi oh wow its been forever we haven't seen each other since  we were kids" Makoto said doing some really handshake. Sousuke stood in the background still in the background confused out his mind and slightly jealous.

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