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Makoto began to start getting very stressed out with the babies. He wasn't made at them its just that waking up at 2:00 a.m ( I think a.m means morning)  in the morning every single day was very tiring Sousuke hardly ever  helped and left  Makoto doing all of the work since Sousuke wasn't really good with kids according to Sousuke . " koto......MAKOTO" Sousuke shook Makoto awake. "The babies are crying again" Sousuke said Makoto rolled over to his side and put the covers over his head. "Then you go take care of them if its worrying you so much" Makoto said coldly. He didn't mean to be so rude its just that he was really tired, he hardly got any sleep and Sousuke didn't help him at all he was really stressed out. Knowing Sousuke wasn't gonna get up and help the kids Makoto reluctantly got out of bed and went to help the twins. Makoto changed their diapers and gave them milk then went back to bed. Sousuke watched as Makoto walked back inside the room with a frown on his face " Makoto a-are you mad at me?" Sousuke asked afraid of the answer that he never got. Makoto rolled his eyes and went back to bed what kinda question is that? Makoto thought of course i'm mad at you you aren't supporting me at all with the kids and i'm left doing all the work but Makoto said nothing and went back to sleep.

The next day Makoto felt exactly how he looked....AWFUL and ANNOYED. Makoto had a terrible headache, his eyes were bloodshot from lack of sleep, his complexion was horrible and his hair was messy and unkept. Sousuke walked in " WOAH Makoto you look terrible what happened?" Sousuke asked Makoto glared at Sousuke and gave him the finger which was something extremely rare of Makoto so if he did that you knew he was pissed off. Surprised by Makoto doing that he immediately ran towards Makoto and asked him what was wrong he smelled like baby powder " Makoto what is wrong did I do something to make you mad if so please tell me so I can apologize and never do it again". Makoto then began to feel lightheaded and his vision started to go blurry then black he fainted. He could hear the muffled sound of Sousuke screaming his name. Makoto woke up in a white room he was connected to a bunch of wires and was on a bed he frantically looked around for Sousuke and saw him sitting in a chair sleep in the corner of the room he shook him awake. Sousuke stares at Makoto for a second squinting his eyes then opened his mouth wide and hugged him. " Oh my god Makoto I can't believe you're awake I thought that I had lost you" Sousuke said still hugging Makoto. Makoto was still confused " Sousuke what happened w-where am I" Makoto asked trying to figure out what was going on. Sousuke gave him a strange look " You mean you don't remember anything? well what had happened wuz ( LOL sry if you don't get the joke)  we were in the living room and you seemed to be mad at me and so i asked what was wrong and then you just passed out. And don't worry about the kids i dropped them of at Rin's sister house " Sousuke explained. " So now we are just waiting for the doctors" Sousuke said and like magic in walked the doctor. He was probably around 40 years old he was quite handsome for his age a head full of hair with gray streaks in his hair his beard was well kept and his eyes were warm and gentle. " Good afternoon Mr. Tachibana I see you have woke up I am Mr. Akiyama and we have results as too why you passed out today." He said " It says hear that you passed out because of overworking which is what caused the headaches and whatnot and I also see that you have lost a lot of weight caused by not eating ( Obviously) " The doctor explained. " It also says that you recently gave birth is that correct?"the doctor asked. " Yes" Sousuke answered for him " Okay that explains a lot. So the reason you passed out is because you were overworking yourself with your children so what you need to do is go home, rest and let Sousuke take care of the kids for now." Makoto nodded his head.

                                                                         ~~~~~going home~~~~~

The drive home was dead silent. " Makoto" Sousuke said gently deciding to break the silence. Makoto continued to look out the window and ignore Sousuke. Sousuke heart broke little by little as Makoto continued to ignore him but Sousuke was not gonna take no for an answer he was gonna get Makoto to talk one way or another he parked the car in a empty parking lot and looked at Makoto who was ignoring him. " Is this why you're mad at me?" he asked he now had Makoto's attention. "What do you mean" Makoto said he knew what Sousuke meant he just wanted him to say it " For not helping you with the babies and not providing you any support." Makoto looked at Sousuke his eyes brimmed with tears " Bingo" Makoto said "Makoto you don't even understand how bad I feel I absolutely hate that I wasn't there for you and I feel like I have failed as a lover as your lover and I hope that you can forgive me and I promise that from now on I will do a better job at helping you" Sousuke now had tears falling down his face from guilt. Makoto was always weak to Sousuke's tears no matter what he did Makoto always had to forgive him plus he would never be able to leave Sousuke anyway. " I forgive you Sousuke and I apologize for being so rude to you I was just really stressed out and pissed but now I regret everything please forgive me " Makoto said Sousuke kissed Makoto " Of course I forgive you." Makoto pulled Sousuke into a big hug after. After they made up Sousuke pulled out of the drive way picked up the kids and drove back home.

Thank you so much for reading this story I really hope that you enjoyed it. I am beginning to run out of ideas so i'm probably gonna make 1 or 2 more stories and then end the whole book so yeah but i'm still deciding so don't know but yeah have a good day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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