A Fate meeting

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It's been over two year's sense that accident. A mysterious creature who was never their attacked you, making you able to see the souls of the dead since that day. The scar on the left side of your forehead proves it was real too. You couldn't remember much, but you do remember a person covered in black kimono clothing came by.

You could never forget his face. His deep, dark, rich, brown eyes with his lean muscles that showed from the open of the black kimono. The odd color of orange hair with his huge black curving sword that was almost as tall as him.

Today you were moving into Karakura High School as your best friend Orihime begged you to come over and study there for your last year of school. You enter into the classroom where Orihime told you to be at. Suddenly, you were hugged from behind making you yelp.

"(Y/N)!!! Your here!!!"

You recognized the girly voice as it was Orihime's. She let go of you so you could face her. It had been two years since you've seen each other. You didn't think Orihime would change much, but she did... especially in her chest...

"Orihime!" You said back with shining eyes. "You've changed so much!"

"You too! You're so much more beautiful than the last time I saw you!"

Your cheek flushed, "Why... thank you..."

Orihime gave you her bright smile as she took your arm and dragged you into the classroom. "Come and meet my friends!" She dragged you into a nearby group.

She led you to a small group in the back of the class. They looked to be in conversation until Orihime jumped in. "Guys this is (y/n)! She's going to be staying here for her last year of high school!"

"H-Hello..." You said shyly as the weight of the others stares were painful.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Rukia." A small but short girl with black hair just ending at her shoulders held out her hand. The deep purple in her eyes and the curves of her face was what made her so beautiful you couldn't believe your eyes.

You nodded and shook her hand. "It's a pleasure."

"I'm Uryu." A tall man with black hair like Rukia's, but it was cut into the style of cleanliness. All he did was nod his head towards you as you returned the favor.

"Chad." Another tall man said next, but he looked to be Mexican as his long brown hair split between his eyes.

"It's nice to meet you all. So, what's it like in this high school?"

"Oh it's great!" Orihime's cheerful voice rang loudly inside your ear, "People here are nice, the food is great, and teachers here are nice as well!"

"That's good." The small of the group seemed too little for Orihime. It felt like another person was missing. "Said... didn't you say you had another old friend just Tatsuki?"

"Oh yeah! He should be in here! Wait... where's Kurosaki-kun?" Orihime eyed roamed around the classroom.

"Over here." Called a deep voice and the sound of it made you freeze. You turned around as your eyes landed on the voice as the memory flashed in your head. He was taller than before... and more handsome.

The man stood up and walked over to the small group were you in. He landed his eyes on you, before freezing himself. "D-do... I know you?" He asked you in a questioning but thinking matter.

"U-ummm... maybe..." You said awkwardly

"Well I'm Ichigo Kurosaki, nice to meet you."

You gave him a smile. "Thanks. I'm (y/n) (l/n), nice to meet you too."

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