Special: Valentine's Day

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Today was the day. Valentine's day. The day where the man gives his lover something too show there love for the women with all there heart.

You dressed into a nice short (f/c) strapless dress incase Ichigo's planned mystery date needed a dress with it.

A knock came at the door as you opened it too the tall, handsomely, orange haired sweet heart you loved, Ichigo.

"Happy Valentine's day, (y/n)~"

Ichigo pull out a bouquets of (f/c) roses as you took them.

"Thank you, Ichigo! I love them!"

"Not as much as I love you~"

You blushed, making Ichigo grin with delight.

He hold out his arm, "Come on. It's time I took you out on are date."

You took his arm, And notice he was wearing laid back clothing for the date. A question mark hung around you head at the questioning where this date was going to be.

"Where are we going?"

"You look beautiful, (y/n). But where we're going you don't needed to look more beautiful then you are right now."

"... alright..."

Ichigo smiled as you took his arm and walked down with him down the street. After a long time you passed by the city and when down by the river where the bridge wasn't too far from.

"Huh?" You said, "Where are we going?!"

Ichigo chuckled as he spin you around lightly in your feet to face him, "This is the date silly~ The river~"

You looked past him as the river lit up with the stars shining light high above. It was a beautiful sigh too. Maybe even better than a restaurant itself.

You smiled as you quickly kisses him on the lips, "I love it."

Ichigo returned the smile back, "I'm glad you do. Because, (y/n), this place is special too me."

Ichigo faced away as he held you close to his side. He looked out into the river with a face unreadable.

"When I was a kid. My mother took us down here for a short cut faster home from my karate lesson. I loved going down here because it was both are favorite place in the world. Just the two of us and this river."

He paused as sadness rolled slowly onto his face, "One day. My mother died protecting me from a hollow. I didn't know what it was. I thought it was a girl about to jump into a river. I was going to save her, but in the end it was my mother saving me."

Your heart broke into pieces. You didn't ask why Ichigo's mother was around. You just though she died or left them. But, didn't think she die from a hollow attack. Almost how you ended up dead without Ichigo's help.

"I'm so sorry, Ichigo..."

Ichigo shook his head as he faced you. He gently lifted you up into his arms surprising you as both your forheads were a inch apart.

"It doesn't matter, (y/n). I know people are sad when I tell them this story but I don't want their pity. I want you love. (y/n), there was a reason why I asked you out right by this river."

You breath hitched as Ichigo's lips were barley close too yours. Feeling every word he spoke

"I asked you out around here because I want the women I love with me when my late mother sees her. Her soul seeing you as I hope she will see you as my one and only love, (y/n). I'm glad I saved you from that damn hollow that day. If I didn't I wouldn't be able to find my soul mate. Which is you, (y/n) (l/n). You're my only love who I will only and will always love with all my heart. If I die one day, I'll make sure my soul comes back too you. Because I know it will be lost without yours."

Tears filled up in your eyes. Tears of joy as you stared Ichigo right in the eyes, "I-Ichigo... I don't know what too say... you've left me speechless... But, I love you. My Strawberry..."

Ichigo smile. His smile turning into a love stuck grin. "I love you too. My angel~"

Ichigo lean his head forward as your lips met. It was heartfelt as it was pure love into the kiss. Not too hard, nor too soft. It was just the perfect kiss.

Ichigo felt a pair of eyes on him. His smile deepened as he knew who it was as he twirled you slowly while keeping the heart felt kiss going on. For a long, long time.

You're My Strawberry (Ichigo X Reader) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now