Hollow Attack

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You were a bit sad. It was because of Ichigo. He would sometimes just leave in the middle of a conversation with you picking up his phone and saying his dad needs him back at the house. The first time was okay, four time was decent, but the fifteen time was not okay.

You walked on the sidewalk and going to Ichigo's house and talk to him about this. You were coming back from Orihime's place to see if she knew anything about this. She sweatdropped and said no, but you knew she was lieing which made you suspicious.

It was a cool night, but somehow turned breezy. Shivering, you put on your jacket but stopped midway when you heard an pain like echo scream from an creature with an white mask and a snake like body as it came around the corner block down from you.

Fear strikes your heart as the creature's cold dead red eyes landed on you. It roar as it came running after you at full speed. You didn't waste anytime running away either as you ran. But the white masked creature was faster as it's tail wrapped around you leg and caught you.

You screamed in fear and pain as it raised your up by it's mouth while it's tail constricted your leg tighter making it almost to breaking point.

"HELP ME!!!" You screamed while clawing at the creature as it laughed. "ICHIGO!!!"

"QUIET GIRL!" I roared in your ear as it raised you higher up. It opened it's mouth while it dropped you. You screamed in pain as it broke your leg before letting you go.

Closing your eyes, you awaited your death. Until an scream could be hear as arms caught you. Opening your eyes you saw your love Ichigo, holding you close to him.

You looked behind him to see the creature disintegrating into tiny pieces as it disappeared into the air.

"I-Ichigo... you saved me!"

Ichigo sighed as he took his big long black curved sword and put it behind him. "I'm sorry (y/n) I got you into this whole mess."

"What do you mean?"

"I'll explain it too you once I take you back at my place."


"What?!" You yelled at him, "This is what you do after abandoning me?!"

"Yes... I'm sorry (y/n). I should have told you sooner but I was afraid you wouldn't believe me because I didn't want to ask if you could see ghost and think I was a crazy guy for asking that question."

"Well... I haven't been able to see ghosts, until two years ago when the same thing happened to me before."

Ichigo froze in his tracks as he looked at you. "Where did this happened."

You looked back, only remembering blurs, but you remember you were going home from school until an claw to the face took you down. You still have the scar from it as you remember only pain but also remembered orange hair.

"I-I remember... it was back before I transferred to another classroom from yours to a new one."

Ichigo looked at you with surprise. "So it was you that day. I should have know. That scar on your forhead kept poking at me like I was to remember it from somewhere."

You giggle and stood up to hug Ichigo, but yelped and fell before Ichigo caught you in his arms.

"Your leg is broken. Don't push your self around until I get Orihime over tomorrow to heal it."

You nodded your head in pain. Ichigo kissed your forhead before he helped you on his bed and sunggled with you carefully in his arms.

"Night (y/n), just remember I will always protect you."

You smiled and kissed him quickly on the lips. "I will. Because it felt like fate when you saved me that day."

Ichigo smiled as he kisses you quickly back. "I guess it was~"

You both fell asleep in each others arms peacefully that night.

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