First Mission

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The air smelled sick with the smell and feeling of hollows everywhere. Some were caged up due to their nature. Footsteps echoed into the room as it shadow casted itself into the room.

The hollows started trembling when he came into view. The figures cape dragging the backside on the ground as the figure came up to a cage.

Inside was its most precious hollow, a small hollow snake. The snake hissed at the nearby hollow as they backed up from it.

The figure smiled as it opened the cage and let the snake climb onto its hand and snaked its way up their neck, "I hope you don't hate me since I left you here."

The snake hissed quietly as it slithered around the figure, up and around their shoulders. The hollows backed up closer to the wall.

"I bet you're hungry. Go on, you can eat more than half of these weak hollows. Think of it as a gift."

The snake hissed in pleasure as it uncoiled from its owners arms and when to the screaming hollows. The snake grew bigger and bigger as the figures smile and laugh was all left in the room...


(y/n) P.O.V

'(y/n).... earth to (y/n)!'

My eyes blinked at the snapping fingers Rangiku was giving in front of me. How long was she there? She sighed and flicked my forehead. "You need to stop day dreaming all the time."

"S-Sorry. It's been a month since I've started here and all I've been doing is paperwork."

"Welcome to my world. Don't worry, sooner or later you'll get a mission!"

"Do you think I'm ready for a mission?"

"Of course! You're strong (y/n)! Even if you haven't gotten your banki yet you're still pretty powerful."

"I just wish I can get out there and swing at something! Anything! I will not do paperwork for the rest of my life!"

"That reminds me... how's Aiko?" Rangiku words occurred to me in my mind.

"He's not a bad guy. He gets the paperwork done on the time too. I think he's on lunch break."

"Hey why are you working on paperwork during lunch time?"

I shrugged, "I'm bored."

Rangiku gasped and gave me a fake cry. "You didn't even think of Momo or me?! How dare you?!"

I rolled my eyes while keeping my giggles down. "I think that's why. Why not, I'll join you two for lunch."

"YAY! Come on let's go!"

I yelped as she grabbed my arm and dragged me to the lunch area. I looked around to see if Ichigo was anywhere in here. He hasn't been coming to lunch for a while and it's gotten me worried. Ichigo and I have lunch together outside while the other eat inside.

Momo waved us over as to my surprise, Aiko was next to her. "Over here!"

"Hey Aiko, what are you doing here?" I asked, hoping to get a decent answer from this weird guy.

"Well I was getting lonely while eating lunch alone since I'm new. Momo found me and I wanted to have lunch with you guys."

"Yay! A new member of our table." Rangiku clapped her hands together.

It may be great for her but I was nervous. Aiko and I didn't really talk much in the office. He was strangely quiet when we worked together. I didn't know if he was just shy... or he didn't like me... but he doesn't give me any dirty looks or be rude to me.

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