That Month

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"Owww... it hurts..."

"What hurts?" Ichigo asked as you limped into the kitchen.

"My period... I just started it today."


Ichigo already knew and was ready for hell. He was used to it now, but sometimes you would go crazy and he would back away and let the period end before hanging out with you again.

"Oh?! That's all you have to say?!"

"What else am I supposed to say?!"

"That you're sorry and I know it hurts!"

"Why even say that when you're going to be in pain?!"


"Okay! I get it!"

Ichigo backed away as you had your fist up into a ball. Your eyes glowed a dangerous color with fire inside them. "If I don't get any sweets tonight your bed is the floor! Are we clear?!"

"Yes, dear."

"Good. Now give me some painkillers."

Ichigo nodded and brought the painkillers along with a tub of ice cream. You smiled and took the painkillers before eating the ice cream. Ichigo got ready for work and kissed the top of your head. "Are you ready?"

"Almost, just let me eat the last part."

Ichigo chuckled and waited for you. You were already dressed for work, but your face wasn't as some of the ice cream was left over.

"You missed some."

Ichigo licked the ice cream off your cheek and it made your face burst into redness. Ichigo smiled and kisses you quickly before putting his captain coat on.


You nodded and twined your fingers into his hand and when off with him. You didn't want to be near anyone for today but Ichigo, for he understood some of your pain.

"(y/n), want to help me with paperwork?"

(y/n) P.O.V

"Sure I'll help with paperwork."

"Wanna sit on my lap?"

I blushed and suddenly stopped, Ichigo never has ask me before to let me sit on his lap. It was a new start in are relationship and it was blooming more than before.

"Ummmm sure."

I sat on his lap as he pulled me in more closer around the waist. I kinda liked it and with Ichigo resting his chin on top of my head. The best part, to keep me happy he would feed me chocolate once in a while.

When he wasn't looking I snoop my hand into the jar, but somehow got caught as he grabbed my wrist. "Did I get caught?"

"You sure did. You know this chocolate is my life saver."

I giggled and hurriedly popped one into my mouth. "Too bad."

He growled playfully and moved the jaw away from my arms reach. "Then you'll get only when I say."

"No fair!"

"It's fair to me."

"Only because you're mean."

"No, I'm strict."

"Since when did you become strict?"

"When I became head captain."

That was true. Ichigo was doing his job wonderfully, but strict. Every leader had to be strict, but not around their girlfriend and months they had to be. I growled and jumped for it in my seat, getting the jar but also making the paperwork fall off the desk.

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