A Battle of Love

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Winter was coming in close and I needed to pick out my wedding dress but I haven't had the time for it. Rangiku was helping pack up things as I set a photo of my uncle on his desk. The desk was small, but no so much out of the way for anything.

Rangiku swiped the sweat off her forehead. "Why do all this effort for something so small?!"

I rolled my eyes at her. Rangiku could always be a drama queen. "Because I'm trying to honor my uncle's death."

"Huh? Really?"

"Why else would I have you move stuff out of his desk?"

"Because you're evil like that and love to see me suffer."

Honestly if there was a whacking stick I needed one right now for Rangiku's... behavior. "No I don't. Thank you for taking his stuff out of the desk."

Rangiku must have seen the sadness in my eyes because she hugged me, but thankfully didn't have my face buried in her boobs. "It's okay to cry you know. Things like this aren't all that easy. When Gin died I cried alone... people felt bad for me but I had to stay strong for Gin... even if he didn't leave anything behind to let me remember him... but my heart will forever remember him." She bent down and gave me a warm smile. "It's the same thing with your uncle. If you love him enough your heart will remember him, even if time has erased the memories you long for."

The emotion was so powerful from Rangiku's voice I knew she wasn't lying to me with every single breath. "Wow... thanks Rangiku..."

"You're welcome, hon. What are you doing to do without a third seat?"

"Just not have one. Like I said before, I will not have another third seat in my uncle's honor. Ichigo was worried about me over working myself but I told him I'll be fine."

Rangiku smiled and giggled. "You're so cute when you're sacrificing your needs for something good. If you want I'll help you!"

"I rather have Momo help me. I love you Rangiku, but you would get tired of the paperwork and just bolt out of there to relax and have a drink."

She giggled and finally let go of me. "You know me so well~ but let's talk real business here. Have you bought or looked for a wedding dress yet?"

The thought struck me. I've been so busy I didn't really think of wedding dresses... or how the wedding would start up. "Ummmm no..."

She sighed and fixed her hair, combing it through with her fingers. "Honestly you're hopeless without me."

"We should take Momo with us!"

"Hmmm... why not."

"Yay!" I grabbed Rangiku's hand and had us go into fifth company's office. Momo was sitting down doing paperwork while drinking tea. She must have been in a happy mood because she had a smile on her face while doing paperwork... who would smile during paperwork?

"Momo!" I called as her head snapped up. Her black, short bangs fell into her eyes as I giggled. "Do you want to help pick out a wedding dress with us?"

A small smile came onto her face, lighting up the warm honey colors of her eyes. "Sure! I'll finish paperwork when we come back!"

Giggle broke out into the air as I turned back to Rangiku. "What are you laughing at?"

Momo blushed and looked away when Rangiku said the reason. "She's probably happy because Captain and her kissed this morning."

Shock bolted through me. Momo and Toshiro dating?! When did this happen?! "Wha?! You're dating Toshiro? When did this happen...?"

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