Christmas Time

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Not a mouse stirred in the silence night, nor did a single soul in the soul society. The toddler, Hitmou, slept nice and warm in the arms off his parents on Christmas morning. After a long time you woke up and smiled down at your baby boy. So cute and handsome, just like his father. Bits of (h/c) started to appear more on his head by day and day.

Though the silence was pleasant, it was soon broken up by Ichigo's snoring. You sighed and lightly grabbed him by the ears, glaring at him while woke up wincing in pain. "Quit snoring, its Christmas morning!"

"Let go of my ears!" He grabbed your hand and forced them away, slightly glaring at you, too. "Geez. This is the Christmas morning I wake up too?"

"You were going to wake up Hitmou from his sleep if you kept it up, so thank me from having to calm him down with this loud lungs of his."

"Hmm... true. Just tell me what you had in mind."

You smiled and grabbed a Santa hat from under the bed and put it on top of his, making some of his spike go in weird angles. "You're going to dress up as Santa this Christmas."

"How? I have orange hair and I'm not fat like Santa."

"Hitmou is only one! He doesn't know and will buy the act! Now, I'll go wake up the sleepy head while you come out from behind the Christmas tree, laughing and acting all jolly like Santa usually does."

He looked completely confused but you waved it away and went over to Hitmou's room. It was a medium sized room with a decent spacing between the cribs to the door. You smiled and walked over there grab the strawberry plushy Hitmou never seemed to let go of.

You smiled and bent down to gently tuck away a strand of hair. "Hitmou... time to wake up."

Hitmou blinked open his eyes as a lovely shade of brown, mixed together with gold, the same color as Ichigo's. He yawned cutely as you bend over to pick up the pushie, kissing his temple with a light kiss.

"Who's ready for their first Christmas?"

Hitmou smiled sleepily and lead against you while you took him into the living room. Ichigo was hiding behind the Christmas tree, but doing a very good job as he was just drinking coffee while leaning against the wall.

You coughed as it got his attention, slowly focusing on Hitmou and started to laugh. Hitmou rose his head as his eyes widen at what seemed to be his father, but looked strange and odd to him.

"Ho, Ho, Ho! I'm Santa Claus! What might you want for Christmas?"

Hitmou just stared at him, confused and amazed all at the same time to see Ichigo like this. You giggled and motioned with your head towards the gifts. "I think Hitmou wants a gift."

"Of course!" Ichigo made his way over and picked up a small one that was going to be his first present. "I wonder what the good boy got this year!"

Ichigo handed him the present as he smiled and grabbed it, slowly starting to rip it apart. Ichigo helped him slightly as the little boy got a small key chain of a zanpukto. Hitmou smiled and tried to eat on it, but it wasn't working.

You laughed and took it away from his mouth. "You don't eat the thing silly."

Ichigo laughed and kissed you on the cheek. "When are the others coming over?"

"They should be over soon-"

The doorbell rang a second later as Ichigo come over to answer the door. It was the gang, Rangiku, Orihime, Momo, Toshiro, Rukia, Renji, and even Orihime along with Uryu and Chad. They all stood at the doorway smiling with pure Christmas spirit, surprisingly even Toshiro was.

"Merry Christmas!" Rangiku smiled and let herself walk inside.

"Hey what the-?!" Ichigo stared at the group came in.

You smiled and set Hitmou down in his play pin and nudged his shoulder. "I invited everyone over. Hope you don't mind."

His eye twitched slightly. "I thought this was just going to be a quiet Chrismas with Orihime, Uryu and Chad."

"I was going to be, but then I thought about Orhimie and the rest. We haven't been able to spend much time with them and this was the time of year to do it. Don't look to upset, it gives you wrinkles."

Ichigo rolled his eyes and sighed. Maybe it wasn't so bad, it was at least people he knew about so that was reassuring. "Alright fine. But if Rangiku does anything bad in front of Hitmou she'll be kicked out."

"Kinda already figure that out." You said, smiling as Rangiku hugged Hitmou close to her.

The night went through a breeze as everyone had a blast. Uryu and Orihime said they were planning to get married soon, which caused all the women in the group to go nuts about it and he boys just staring at Uryu, congratulating him.

Hitmou got all his gifts as you smiled and walked up to Ichigo, hiding behind the present you got him. He was sitting outside drinking the rest of the coffee from this morning. You opened up the backyard door and sat next to him.

"How was it?"

"It's not bad. Glad to see them again really, forgot what it was like to have crazy people in your life."

"I don't count as crazy?"

Ichigo chuckled and kissed the tip of your cold ear. "I live with you every day with your weirdness, but I haven't see other people's weirdness."

"That's true." You smiled and handed him his present. "Here ya go, I saved this one just for last."

Ichigo took it with a smile and started to open it up. It was a fairly small box as when he got to the middle of it, he saw it was just a simple picture. His heart sped up when he saw it wasn't just a picture, it was the picture of them on their date.

It brought fond memories back as it grew into a handsome smile on his face. "I remember this..... Can't believe it's been four years."

You let out a long whistle. "Has it been that long? It only seems like yesterday I was only a teenage."

Ichigo laughed and look closely at the picture. "Yeah, but you've grown so much in beauty it's amazing."

A light blush brushed across your cheeks. "I wouldn't say that much..."

"But I do, because this is your present now." Ichigo pointed up to a mistletoe. It hung in the air with tiny spots of snow left on it.

You laughed and leaned closer to him. "You've had this planned all along didn't you?"

A small smirk slowly spread across his face. "Maybe, maybe not. Who knows?"

"Whatever. I'll give you your Christmas present."

You locked lips with him as Ichigo did the same quickly, pulling you into his lap as his hand traced the sensitive part of your back. You shivered slightly and did the same by letting your hands move their way to the back of his neck, grabbing slightly onto his hair as he let out a moan in the back of his throat.

The cold was getting to you slightly as you shivered and tilt your head to keep the kiss going. Ichigo shivered too, but he kept it going before the cold sucked the heat out of him. He gasped lightly for air and sucked it in.

You smiled and lightly kissed his rosy cheeks. "Hope you enjoyed the present."

He smiled and wrapped his arms around you waist, looking out into the vast frozen wonder garden. "This was the best Christmas I've ever had."

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