Birthright (Part 1)

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The sight cold wind picked up along with the smell of blood as you touched the side of your face. It was soaked with blood as you remembered after entering through the portal Aiko slashed you as pay back. Your breathing quicken when you couldn't find him in the sea of white sand.

"(y/n)!" You heard Ichigo call after you. His face paled at the place around him as he touched the side of your face, making you wince slightly. "That bastard... we need to get out of here."

"NO!" You shouted angrily towards him, "I'm going to kill him... make him pay... Hitmou was an innocent kid..."

"(y/n) stop it." He shook you gently as you still couldn't snap out of it, "Hitmou wouldn't want you to do this."


"Because he looked up to you and it would hurt his soul to have you kill someone over him. Just bring Aiko down for him, but don't kill him."

Bitter tears and agony fell from your eyes. "I-I don't know how..."

"Hado number 55: Baindo-sa Hollow"

A sudden web as white as a hollow skin came towards you. Ichigo pushed you away as you landed in the sand as Ichigo was thrown with the net and tied to a white tower post. He growled and tried summon his Zanpakuto, but Zangetsu was stuck deep inside the sand.

"Ichigo!" You called out and when to flash-step to him, but barley dodged the slash to the neck if you didn't back flip in time.

Aiko stood with his sword covered in Hitmou's blood, it dripped down his face as he laughed and raised the sword towards your face. His silver eyes held an eerily hungry over you as it send a deadly shiver down on your spine.

"Give me your blood... I have been waiting since the day you were BORN!" The sand flew around him as his spiritual pressure began to rise. "If you don't I'll suck the soul out of that stupid captain!"

Rage flowed inside your veins as you took out your sword. Its shikai state already wielded as you were practicing to summon it without a command. Black waves of darkness burst out of the sword as Aiko shouted before getting washed back. You ran over to Ichigo and checked the netting.

His face was getting paler and paler by the second as you could see it was sucking not only his soul, but his spirit energy. "(y/n)... get out of here... I-I'll dear with him..."

A low growl came from your throat as you tried pulling at the thing. "I'm not going to leave you here! I love you too much, damn it!"

"(y/n) watch out!"

Aiko's blade cut a piece of your hair as you dodged by clashing sword with him. Sparks began to fly as Aiko smirked as he was going to win. Ichigo saw as he stuck his long leg out and kicked at his knee. This gave you an advanced as you cut at his neck, but he dodged again and kicked at your side sending you flying.

The air and coldness bit at your face as you landed hard in the sand. Aiko was laughed hard as he suddenly appeared and grabbed you by the hair. He pressed the cold blade up to your neck, "Give me your damn blood. I'm sure your father's blood wasn't enough to give me the power as King of Hollows."

Blood dribbled down your chin as you glared at him. "W-What are your talking about."

His laugher cut thickly through the air as he held out his free hand to an empty area of sand. "Don't you know your birthright? You come from the first hollows and royal family of them. It's why my spell over your weak boyfriend is draining him with ease."

He spoke a command under his breath as the light around the area grew brighter and brighter. A white broken stone slab rose to the surface. It was on top of a tower about as high to Aiko's chest. There were writing along with black swirling of hado and kido spells all over the white marble as dry blood could be seen on the slab.

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