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Ichigo didn't want to do it, but it was your choice and he did want you to be safe from hollows, so this was a way to protect yourself. He had finished his hollow hunting duties as he came back home to you on his bed reading a book.

"Are you ready?" You said as you put the book down.

Ichigo sighed as he pushed the window open more and entered in. "Yes, but please promise me when we train you won't get yourself hurt during the battle or do anything stupid."

You rolled your eyes at him while kissing him quickly. "I get it already, let's just go already."

Ichigo nodded as he had you hang onto him as he flashed stepped to the shop. You closed your eyes as flash-stepping places made you dizzy with all the buildings flashing by the nakedness of your eye so quickly. The rushing of air stopped as Ichigo landed by a tiny shop.

Urahara came out fanning himself as usual with a smile on his face. "Oh good you showed up. I needed something to do this evening."

"Just get us inside already so we can start the training."

"Alright, alright but you better be nice to me Kurosaki."

"I'll never happen..." You heard Ichigo mumbled under his breath as he set you down gently.

"Ichigo it will be alright. You got your soul reaper powers back from him right when you when to rescue Rukia, right?"

"Yes but he wants you to train by him, but I won't let him do that. So he'll just watch over encase anything happens during are training."

"Okay!" You replied a bit too happy for Ichigo's liking as you entered into the shop with a happy aura.

Ichigo reached inside himself and saw Zangetsu standing in front of him. "Please have my power in half for the training Zangetsu. I don't want my powers to hurt her... just like my hollow powers..."

"As you wish, Ichigo. But you haven't felt the power I've felt in (y/n), she'll be just fine but I'll still cut your powers in half for this battle."

"Wait... Zangetus what do you mean?" Ichigo reached out to him, but the world around him darkened as he snapped back into the real world. He looked around for a clock inside the shop and found he was only in his world for thirty minutes. It was strange that you could be inside your world and be in there for a short period of time when hours could have gone by.

"Ichigo!" You called out from on top of the wooden floor door that led to the underground training room, "Let's get started already!"

"I'm coming." He said as he looked you over at your new outfit for the fighting.

You were dressed into a white T-shirt and shorts that stopped at knee length. Your (h/l) (h/c) was pulled back as your (e/c) shined brightly with excitement. Ichigo smiled at how cute you looked as he when down into the training grounds with you.

You gasped at how big it was, rocks and bare ground that seemed to stretch out far than how big the shop was. Urahara stopped fanning himself once you both when up too him.

"Ready to start your first day of training?"

"Yep! What do I have to do?"

"Stand there and look pretty."

"Wait wha-" You were cut off as Urahara rose his cane quicker than the blink of an eye and pressed in into your forehead. You felt your soul being tore out of your body as you saw it fell to the ground, but Ichigo caught your body and set it aside by a rock. The feeling of air didn't come as you started to panic

You're My Strawberry (Ichigo X Reader) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now