Roller Skating

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The smell of your favorite person in the world filled in your nose as you woke up too him kissing you awake. "Morning~"

You smiled sleepily and kissed his cheek. "Morning strawberries..."

Ichigo smiled and kissed your forehead. "I was thinking... for the weekend do you want to go to the new roller rink down town?"

Your eyes shined as you held yourself back from jumping up and down. "Really? You would do that just for me?!"

"Of course I would. I let you stay over at my house, only when I know Kon isn't around, so yes I would do anything for you." He ended the sentence by kissed the tip of your nose.

You smiled and nodded. "Okay! I'll go get by shoes on!"


As any other new place opening up it was busy. People from all ages where inside laughing and skating around. It was truly a place where people could have fun no matter what. Ichigo paid for the skates and put them on along with you.

He got blades to start off with as you got the standard four wheeler one. He started skating and got with the beat of pushing forward so quickly. The hardest part for you was standing up.

You barely even when out onto the skating floor and already fell down on your butt. You groaned at the pain as no one was helping you up, but an orange hair in the distances saw you as he stopped right by and grabbed your hand pulling you up. "I think you need my help."

You blushed and looked away. "Yes I do..."

Ichigo smiled as he twined his hand into yours and started going slow for you. While skating you were thinking about Ichigo. You were truly blessed to find someone like him who understood you and cared for you more than just a friend, but a lover.

After a while you started getting the hang out it as you let go of Ichigo's hand and started skating on your own. Ichigo smiled brightly as he watched you and caught you in time before you ran over little kids. "Good job! It looks like I'm a pretty good teacher."

"Only because you got the looks for it." You said with a slight tease in your voice.

'Alright everyone clear the rink it's couple time and were going to put on a special song for this evening. So men grab your lady and skate right along with her heart.'

Ichigo didn't need to be told twice and grabbed both your hand and started slowing down to match your pace. He turned around to face you as you wrapped your arms around his neck as the song started out nice and slow.

When your legs don't work like they use to before.

And I can't sweep you off your feet

Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love?

Ichigo lean down and nibbled your lip playfully as you smiled and did the same as you looked around at the corner of your eye and saw you two were the only one's dancing in the middle of the rink.

Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks?

And darling I will... be loving you til were seventy!

And baby my... heart... could be still fall as hard at twenty three!

And I'm thinking 'bout how... people fall in love in mysterious ways.

"Hey we fell in love in a mysterious way. A hollow attack as a first meeting isn't all you find in something today."

Ichigo chuckled as he pulled you closer while skating. "No they don't, but I'm glad I found you and remembered you that day. It changed me."

"In a good way?"

"More than you can think."

Maybe just the touch of your hand...

Oh me I fall in love with you every single day

And I just wanna tell you I am...

"I am in love you with you."

You rolled your eyes him. "You don't even know the song yet you're going to say that?"

"Just a thought when I saw looking in your eyes." He said and gazed into your (e/c) ones. His rich brown colored eyes seemed to always get you lost in their deep waves of emotion he had swirling around for you inside. He wish he say all the thing he wanted to say to you, but was too shy at time. You didn't mind that since you also got shy around him, but it was a good shy around enough to know what you both thought about each other.

So honey nowwwww!

Take me into your loving arms!

Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars.

Place your hands on my beating heeeaart!

You moved your hands up to his chest and felt his heart. It always beated twice as fast around you. Even if you were asleep his heart would take in the beauty of your shining face and was proud to have asked you out. If any man tried to take you away he would take them out for your heart. No other girl did this too him. So deep down, he knew you were the one, his soul mate.

I'm thinking out loud.

Maybe we... found... love.

Right where we are.

His lips gently pressed onto your as the light dimmed down around you. Everything about Ichigo felt perfect to feel and be held by him as you kissed him back. He was the only man to ever win your heart and break through it. Ever since you're past you never would have thought true love would come your way.

Maybe that was that Ichigo was. Your death prince and you were his princess alive to warm his cold and distance heart. You couldn't care less as you kissed him back deeper. It was just perfect until you lost your balance and fell onto Ichigo. He fell down too but caught you in his arms and laughed.

You laughed as was as Ichigo carefully lead you out of the skating rink and helped untie your skates. The next thing on the list was to cuddle with you.

"Hey I got ice cream over at my place. Why don't we go and get some."

"Sounds great!"


It took an hour long to get back to Ichigo's house since you took the bus there, but thought walking would be better back. He opened up his mail box and inside was a single black letter with a red stamp in the middle with a flower on it.

"What is it?"

"I don't know... but I'll read it later. Let's get some ice cream already, I want to snuggle."

You chuckled and nodded. "Alrighty then."

I do not own this beautiful song, but I wish I could ;-;

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