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Feels / Kiiara

Connor Franta was sad. It seemed like he never had anyone to love. They all loved someone else. So he was just alone in his apartment, waiting for someone to call him. He really needed to get a cat. Also he had that big secret that was kind of a big deal, but whatever. It was tearing him apart and making him feel like nothing, but Connor was okay.

Meanwhile, Troye Sivan was oh so sure he was in love. He thought. He thought. But sometimes he wouldn't feel. No. He was in love. Why wouldn't he be? Tyler was such a good boyfriend. He wouldn't do anything to hurt Troye. Their relationship was goals. Right?

For both boys, something was missing. They only felt completely whole with their best friend.

*Cough* they were best friends *Cough*

"How's Tyler?" Connor asked Troye over coffee and avocado on toast in a cute little cafe.

"Fantastic," Troye smirked.

Not Frantastic, Connor thought, a little jealous if he was being honest.

"How about you, Con? Any lucky ladies in your life?" Troye inquired. Connor felt himself go pale. He took a large sip of coffee and had to pretend he wasn't choking on the liquid.

"Nobody," He croaked from the back of his neck. His chest burned for a second and then he took another big drink, to wash down the choking with more liquid. Humans are smart.

"Not even Bethany? You know she like-likes you, right?"

Oh shit, Connor thought, if I've let this get to the point of him deciding if I'm going to be with Bethany then it's gone on too long. It's time. No more hiding. Let's go Franta. Life doesn't wait. I mean, you've done bigger things. Stretch it out, focus, get that head in the game. You got this.

"Yeah, okay, sure, but, I've been wanting too tell you something. I'm- Well. You see, Troye... I think I'm-"

ring, ring (I imagine Drake starts playing out of nowhere and the lights go funny but that's a little 2015 so I don't know you can or not)

"Sorry," Troye explained, pressing the green button to take the call, "Tyler." He left the table exclaiming, "Hey, babe!"

Connor put his head in his hands.


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