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Heads Or Tails / JOY.

"How was Connor?" Tyler asked Troye distastefully.

Troye smiled, "Good."

Tyler rolled his eyes. "I bet he's like 'depressed' and shit." Troye feels his stomach flop. Tyler often says things like this and it hurts. Especially directed at his best friend. Sure, Connor had changed lately. He didn't smile as often and his eyes looked tired. He wasn't depressed. And Tyler didn't get to diagnose him.

But Troye kept giving Tyler love, thinking he was getting the same in return. But everyone could tell it was very one sided. And Troye was pretending his relationship was "great". It was not. But Troye loved Tyler and that was enough.

"He's fine, Tilly."

Tyler roles his eyes, "Whatever. Hey, my friends and I are going clubbing."

"Can I go?"

"Why would I drag along my clingy boyfriend? Ew."

Troye just smiled, "Okay." He remembered the old relationship. With kisses and dates. Now it was different. But he had sacrificed so much for this. He wanted it.

Tyler left shortly after and Troye decided to call Zoe to hang out.

"Hey, do you want to hang out?" Troye asked.

"Um... Now's not a good time." Zoe answered.


Zoe clicked her tongue, "Previous commitments."

"What 'previous commitments'?"

Zoe sighed, "I'm with Connor."

"Oh, can I head over?"

"No!" Zoe shouted. She quickly cleared her throat, "I mean, no."

Troye grew suspicious, "Why?"

"Cause your a dou- I mean, girls night."

"I love girls night, Zo, what the hell is going on?"

"Well, if I'm honest," Zoe paused, "I'm helping him find someone else to date."

Strangely, Troye's heart sank. He wasn't expecting Connor to ever move on. He was expecting him to try and get him back, but he never did. Maybe deep down, Troye wanted him to try.

But he wasn't allowed to think that. Troye said nothing, and there was an uncomfortable pause.

Zoe exhaled, "How's Tyler?" (change subject card.)

"Want the truth? Bad! It's not the same."

Zoe snorted, "I wonder why." Troye rolled his eyes. What was Zoe being so snappy and different towards him. She was being downright savage.

"Okay, well have fun without me, I guess."

Zoe hung up.

Troye felt very lonely. Oh, how times change.

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