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Kamikaze / MØ

Connor was really, really, really hungover. And it was the first time it'd been this bad. Usually he was Troye's designated driver. But last night he'd hit the drinks hard. Hard. He threw up in Zoe's toilet.

"Connor, can you shut up?" She asked from the hall.

She hadn't gotten laid that night and it did not make her very happy. Alfie wanted to go slow. With another girl.

But Connor didn't even remember most of that.

"Did I do anything stupid last night?" Connor asked.

"How am I supposed to know?" Zoe got defensive.

Connor laughed at hungover Zoe.

He then went back to the guest bedroom. To sleep. But his phone was ringing. Then it stopped. Then it started ringing again. Connor was forced to leave he warmth of the comforter to look for his phone, which he luckily had. He searched every square inch of the room, then found it in his butt pocket.

Troye: 10 missed calls


What had he done? He checked his sent voice mails. 2:34. Troye. He pressed play.

"Twoye. I miss you. Oh and I like you. No. I wove you. Like more than fwends. Bye-bye."

Connor threw his phone at the wall before mentally combusting.

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