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Secret / Angle Snow

"Connor, what's been up with you lately?" Troye asked. They were hanging out again. Connor was relapsing. Jesus Christ.

"Nothing," Connor said a little too fast, déjà vu.

"No. That shit isn't going to work again." Troye stared Connor in the eyes. He could be intimidating.

"How's Tyler?" Connor said quickly, changing the subject (kinda).

Troye broke eye contact and looked down. "Yeah, a bit rough, um, yeah."

"Why?" Connor asked, composing himself. But his heart was going: HE SING-LE HE SING-LE????

"Um, we don't want to do long distance."

Hm bitch?

"Since... I'm going back to Australia for a month or so. I really miss everybody, so I decided a trip would be nice."

Connor saw the scenario go like this: "You asshole!" Slap in the face, and Connor left. Never saw Troye again. Win.

That would have been much easier.

But it actually went like this: "You're leaving?" Tear rolls down cheek.

"I'm sorry, Connor. Yeah. In three days."


"I'm sorry."

"You're my only friend."

"Zoe, hey and Ben! And Ty-"

"No! You can't leave me now," Connor shouted, grabbing Troye's hand.

"I have to. Is something going on with you Connor?"

*word vomits in oblivion*

"I'm gay, Troye!"

Well shit.

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