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Rollercoaster / Bleachers

Troye was at Connor's apartment, crying to the front door.

"Troye?"Connor called to him. He turned around and threw himself into Connor's arms.

"Um, I kind of broke you and Tyler up a second ago," Connor mumbled into Troye's shoulder awkwardly.

Troye sighs, "Good."

"But didn't you love him?" Connor asks guiltily.

"I think I was wrong. He never loved me and the relationship was toxic. I should have noticed. But deep down inside, I loved someone else. You. It was always you," Troye answers.

"Duh," Connor says, smiling. They look each other in the eyes.

And no one had ever looked at them with more love.

They kissed, right on Connor's doorstep. And for the first time in months it felt like everything would be okay.

Life is a roller coaster. It throws us into loops and plummets us at unbelievable speeds. It sickens our stomach and makes our anxiety rise.

But along the way, you have fun. You scream with joy as well as fear. You throw you're hands in the air like you just don't care if you're brave enough.

And in some rare occasions, there's an issue and you're belt loosens up and you're flung out into the sky and get tons of views on YouTube. That's too bad.

But most of the time, you stop and you look at the person next to you and you laugh together. And you get off and you're done. You did it. You found exactly where you needed to go. Sure it was a wild ride, but that's the point.

Troye hated roller coasters. Hell, Connor was always on one.

But they'd rode together the whole time.

And that's what is really wild.

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