
694 50 20

Skin / Kyla La Grange

Connor was washing his hands and smiling. Everything had worked out. Five points to Connor. And Troye. He had Troye. That was pretty nice. No, it was more than nice. It was everything.

He dried his hands and walked out of the bathroom. He tried to remember his steps to where Troye was. It took him a second, but he found his way. He walked on cloud nine. He could see the back of Troye's head. An idea formed in Connor's head. He was going to scare Troye so good. He took two steps and put his arms up to grab his shoulders.

But then everything changed.

Troye turned his head and a second figure appeared. Kissing his boyfriend. Tyler. Connor felt his heart shake, bend, then break. He felt his world spinning. He didn't know what to say or what to do. And he was an emotional drunk.

But he didn't even feel sad. He felt bad. But deep down inside he'd been expecting this, preparing this. But it hurt more than he could have ever imagined.

"Troye?" His voice broke.

Troye's head turned and eyes widened, "Connor! I-I wasn't thinking." Tears started to fall out of Connor's eyes.


Connor turned and ran away. Troye went to run after him, but Tyler grabbed his wrist, "It felt right." Troye didn't know what to say. "Tyler. He's my best friend."

"And I'm more than that. You know it's true, babe," Tyler growled. Troye escaped from Tyler's grasp and ran after his friend.

The music was louder and light brighter. Troye couldn't find the boy he broke.

He gave up and walked out to the car. He should've done that in the first place because Connor was sitting in the front seat, crying. Troye opened the passenger door and Connor let him. They sat in silence for a minute. The image replayed in both of their heads. They didn't know what to do. They didn't know what to feel.

"Why'd you do it?" Connor whispered.

Troye cleared his throat, "I got scared."

"I can't trust you anymore."

"I know."

That fast, they had lost each other.

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