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Somebody Else / the 1975

Connor felt very broken, as usual. "We need to find you a boyfriend," Zoe suggests. They are sitting on his couch, binge watching Reign and eating chips.

Connor felt his eyes go wide, "I've never even been in a relationship."

Zoe turned towards him in shock, "Really?"

"Not with a boy, one with a girl. It was terrible."

"Obviously," Zoe joked, "But would you want a relationship?"

Connor thought about it. Would he? Could he like someone besides Troye? Would anyone care for him? "I would love a relationship with Francis," Connor said, watching the hot prince kick ass.

Zoe rolled her eyes. "Seriously, Connor. You need a bounce back."

Connor pursed his lips, "Fine. Find someone who'll date me. Good luck." Zoe smiles. "I'm proud of you, Con," she says, "I have a boyfriend, but Francis is mine."

Where Troye and Connor had crashed and burned at Joe's party, Zoe and Alfie had hit it off.

"Francis is Mary's," Connor argued for his new otp.

"Just wait until seasons two," Zoe grumbled and raised her eyebrows. Connor gasped and threw a pillow at her, "You've watched this?"

They both collapsed into laughter.


"Okay, his name is Shane-"

"Troye had a one night stand with that guy."

"How do you know that?"

"He used my toothbrush the next morning."

"Oh. Oh! His name is Daniel. He looks nice."

"That guy is like best friends with Troye's ex, Joey, if ya know what I mean."

"Fine. Did Troye date every gay in LA that we have mutual friends with?"

Connor laughed, "Probably some straight ones, too."

Zoe put her head in he hands in defeat, "We're never going to find anyone for you."

"Oh, thanks."

She sighed, "Sorry, I only meant that this is a bit difficult, Con."

"Is there anybody else?" Connor asked, not really curious, just trying to get his mind off things.

Zoe consulted her well brainstormed list one more time. She awkwardly coughed, "Kory."

Connor's eyes widened, "No!"

"It's good revenge."

Connor shook his head, "Revenge, not a relationship."

Zoe mumbled, "There's literally no one else." Connor felt his heart sink. "You know who I really want to date?"



"Connor! Really? Think of it it this way, I wanted to be with Alfie, so I told him. You did that. It failed. Now you need mind games. I know he's your best friend, but he was an ass to you. You might not be able to be with Troye, but you can fuck him up."

"I just don't want to hurt him, but-"

"Connor! Troye's taken."

A tear feel out of Connor's eye, "I know."

Zoe wrapped her small frame around her friend, "I'm sorry."

"Me too, I-"

her phone rang

It was Troye. "Answer," Connor told her. She walked away to take the call. Connor twirled his thumbs as she watched her talk. It was a range of emotions. Then she came back.

"How is he?" Connor asked.

Zoe looked at him and answered truthfully, "Not good."

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