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Bridges / Broods

Connor knocked on Tyler's door. Troye wasn't answering his calls. So he was resorting to desperate measures. Going to the devil's front door. No one answered, so Connor knocked again, duh. And again. And again.

Finally, someone swung the door open, almost flinging it of its hinges. "What the fuck do you want?" It was Tyler. Just Connor's luck. He got really nervous and hadn't prepared anything to say so he stumbled out the first words that came to his mouth.

"Talk to my Troye," Connor said quickly. He wanted to run away then.

Tyler smiled amusingly, "Your Troye. Oh, hon'." Connor had to grind his teeth together. Tyler just looked at Connor. "Can I come in?" Connor asked apprehensively. Tyler opened the door wider.

The place was trash. Empty beer bottles laid on the ground. And did Connor see a stain on Tyler Oakley's carpet? He almost choked on his own saliva. What happened?

"So," Connor paused, "Where's Troye."

Tyler rolled his eyes, "Who fucking knows. He is always out lately. He's being an annoying little bitch." Connor scowled and raised his eyebrows. He took a step toward Tyler.

"Are you drunk?"

Tyler gasped, "How dare you! My boyfriend could be cheating on me or-"

"Oh, really? Your going to complain about him cheating on you when you already did that and broke his little heart, but he still went back to you. You know why?" Connor's breathing was heavy, but he was pissed. Tyler stood dumbfounded. "Because he loves you, you idiot. I gave him love and affection but he still wanted you. And to see that your not treating him with the care and respect he deserves makes me really angry! He's my best friend and friends don't let friends get hurt by douche bags like you. So you need to be better to him or I'm going to convince him to leave you. And he will take my word." Connor stared down Tyler. He couldn't even come up with a comeback.

Connor won this fight.

"Fine," Tyler said, relaxing his shoulders, "I'll let him go."

Connor's eyes widened, "Let him go?"

Tyler rolled his eyes (again), "It might not seem like it, but I want what's best for Troye. And maybe that's you."

It was Connor's turn to be dumbfounded. Did Tyler have a moral compass deep down?


"Besides, I'm back with Kory."

Bye bitch.

Connor punched Tyler across the face, before walking out. What an ass, Connor thought.

Now where's Troye?

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