
645 51 13

Youth / Daughter

Connor sat in the little cafe, the one he loved. He waited with butterflies in his stomach. It was similar to going on a blind date, you don't know who you are with.

Finally, Troye sat down across from Connor. The same beautiful smile, the same gorgeous hair. Connor did his best to smile.

"Hi, Connie."

Connor didn't know why Troye would call him this. But it made his heart skip a beat. Stop, Connor, he's off limits. He's not yours.

"Hi, Troye."

"How are you?"

Connor just nodded, "You?"

Troye smirked, "I'm okay."

"How's Tyler?"

"Really good, actually."

Connor nodded. There was an awkward pause.

"What are you drinking?" Troye changed subject, pointing at Connor's drink.

"Coffee," Connor scuffed. He immediately checked himself, "Hazelnut." He flashed a smile.

"Yum, I'm going to get something at the counter." He left quickly.

Connor's face fell as soon as he was out of sight. He let out a deep breath. He had been holding it. Why was everything so different. Why did Connor do this? He felt so bad and so guilty. If only he knew his limits and boundaries. He closed his eyes. And why had Troye done this? Split apart something beautiful and real like it was bad or wrong.

"This is so good. I've missed this coffee," Troye says, sitting down. Connor's eyes flew open.

"I think we need to talk about it." Connor blurts.

"What?" Troye pretends like he doesn't know, but he knows.

"How you were cheated on. How you turned to me. And then left. How much that hurt me."

Troye closes his eyes and frowns, "I'm so sorry Connor."

"Sorry? Troye, you gave me hope!" Connor then realize his volume and tone. He clears his throat. "What I mean is, do you want me in you life?"

Troye's jaw drops, "Of course, love. You're my best friend. I couldn't live without you."

Troye didn't even realize what'd he'd said. And how much it hurt his 'best friend'.

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