Bring it back

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When Shawn woke the next day in a tent, the last thing he could remember was leaving prom absolutely fuming. His head hurt a lot and he felt rather nauseous. Knowing he was about to throw up, Shawn stuck his head out of the tent and surveyed his surroundings. Spying a familiar treehouse, Shawn realised he was in Ian's backyard, still half dressed in his suit. How he got here, Shawn had no idea. Suddenly, Shawn bolted from the tent across to some plants, where he promptly emptied his stomach. Falling to his knees, he clutched at his throbbing head and aching stomach.

"What the hell happened?" he murmured.

"You got wasted," he heard someone say from behind him.

Turning his head, Shawn saw Geoff approaching him with a water bottle and packet of pills.

"I picked you and Ian up from your after party last night. I've never seen you in such bad shape," he commented, handing Shawn the bottle and pills.

Shawn gratefully accepted, rinsing out his mouth a little before swallowing two of the pills and finishing half the bottle.

"What happened to make you go so overboard?" Geoff enquired.

"Stuff," Shawn muttered darkly, thinking of Laur. Geoff didn't press further.

"When you're ready muma Warburton is cooking a fry-up, Ian's already there," Geoff informed Shawn, before heading back inside.

Shawn slumped to the ground, feeling at an all time low.

The sound of thunder made him sit up, dazed. The sky seemed to echo his feelings- it was a stormy grey. He quickly crawled over to the tent, to check if his phone was in there.

Lucky for him, he found it, along with the other half of his suit. Gathering his belongings, he ran into the house as the rain began.

"Morning Mrs Warburton," Shawn greeted before chucking his stuff on a nearby table and slumping into a seat next to Ian.

"Good morning Shawn. Eggs and bacon?"

"Yes please."

Ian gave Shawn a once over. "You're not looking flash," he whispered.

"I don't feel flash," Shawn replied, trying to ignore the sound of the thunder that's beatin his head to the ground.

Shawn picked up his phone, unlocking it.

"Don't go on Instagram," Ian warned him.

Shawn looked at him funny, before opening the app. He scrolled through his feed, looking over all the prom photos. He paused. Laur posted. "Boo 💞" the caption read. However, Shawn was not in the photo. Instead it was Lyall she was draped over. Ian saw Shawn's pained expression and knew he'd ignored his warning.

Mrs Warburton slid steaming plates of food in front of the boys. "What's wrong hun? You look queasy," Mrs Warburton asked concerned, placing her hand upon Shawn's forehead.

Ian batted her hand away. "He's fine, it's just girl troubles," Ian explained.

"Oh, my god that is so sad!"

Shawn's phone lit up with an incoming call from Laur. Gasping, Shawn threw his phone across the room.

Luckily it landed on a couch, but the Warburton's gave Shawn a look of pity.

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