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Shawn woke to the sound of Mickey's footsteps, walking away from the bed. It took him a couple of seconds to place himself, as patches of the previous night came back to him. He remembered pre loading, vaguely getting mobbed and finally- Mickey.

Sleepily, he blinked his eyes, surprised she was still there. Daylight streamed through the blinds and his clock read eight am.

Content, he dosed off again, awakening properly when Mickey slid back under the covers.

"Morning," she said, propping herself up on an elbow.

"You know, your footsteps, they make a sound that sounds so simple, but it dances in my head. It's a melody so perfect, that'll it'll get me through the day," he replied, yawning.

"Are you sure that's not the effect of your hangover?" Mickey replied, smirking.

Shawn pouted, sitting up. "I feel fine-" he said, before quickly lying back down, his head spinning.

"I'll go get you some water and dry toast," Mickey said amused, sashaying out of his room.

He watched her go, the thought of them forever, one that won't ever go away.

She was wearing a dress that must've been in the pile of stuff Shawn seemed to hoard over the course of their relationship, as well as a pair of his slippers. The simple perfection in the way she looked was enough to remind Shawn why he never wanted to ever let her go.

He crawled to the bathroom, managing a quick shower and brush of his teeth with only minor nausea. Falling back onto his bed, he closed his eyes, thinking about all these precious moments he'd had with Mickey that he wish he could carve in stone.

Shortly she arrived back in his room, bringing with her all the goods.

He slowly sat back up. "Thanks Mic, you're a real gem," he said, taking a sip of water.

"You're welcome Shawn. Feeling any better?" She asked.

"A shower helped," he said.

She came and sat next to him, taking one of the pieces of toast off his plate and eating it herself.

"I was thinking of all the good times we've had," Shawn told her.

"Mm, we had fun," she replied.

"Like when we hung our pictures on your wall or when you take my hand and show me forever, I mean all I need to know is where to stop, I should have never let you go," Shawn pondered, nibbling on his toast.

"We sang our songs, but now those precious moments are only memories after all," Mickey added.

Shawn suddenly choked back a rush of regret, falling silent.

"About last night-" Mickey started.

"No, please, don't worry," Shawn said hurriedly, swallowing his sadness, "you gave me hope... it's deep in my soul, but I've got to let go."

Mickey faintly smiled. "I guess I should probably go then."

"I mean, we wrote our story," Shawn said, not sure what he was trying to say anymore.

"I guess I just thought, that maybe we, I don't know..." Mickey said, sighing as she stood up and began gathering her belongings together.

"I didn't want to... like, I just wasn't really sure," Shawn said, tripping over his words as they both failed to articulate what they were thinking.

"Uh, I'll, well, see you around Shawn," Mickey said, looking away.

"Yeah, um, thanks, and everything Mickey. Really appreciate you- it, uh, yeah," Shawn stuttered, stumbling out of his bed to follow her out.

They walked to the front door in silence.

"Oh! I don't have a car here," Mickey realised.

"I can drive you," Shawn said quickly.

"I don't want to be a hassle or anything, I can, um, get my grandma to come and pick me up or something," Mickey replied hesitantly. 

"Don't be stupid, you're no hassle," Shawn said, crookedly smiling. He grabbed his keys and helped her put all her stuff into his jeep.

"Did you drive me home alone last night?" He suddenly asked, shutting the door on the last of her stuff.

Mickey nodded. "Yeah, your friends wanted to crash at the party."

Shawn swung open the passenger door for Micky before heading around to the drivers side.

"Well, thanks. Again. For saving me and stuff," Shawn said, awkwardly.

"Anytime. Seriously. It was fun," Mickey responded, smiling.

They sat in silence again as Shawn got his car going.

"So what are you doing home at the moment anyway?" Mickey finally questioned.

"Uh just a break in between writing and studio sessions, to see my family and friends and stuff, yeah," he replied.


Shawn drove on. Silence hung in the air, deafening both of them. There were too many words to say, yet none could be said.

Shawn cleared his throat.

"When did we get so awkward?" Mickey said, laughing.

Shawn breathed a sigh of relief and joined in the laughter.

"I don't know aye. How's life Mickey?" He replied, glancing briefly at her, smiling.

"It's going okay. I'm just, uh, dealing I guess."

"That's good to hear," Shawn said truthfully. They managed to fill the rest of the short journey with idle small talk before arriving at Mickey's grandparents.

Shawn jumped out and helped Mickey gather her stuff.

"Uh, bye, thanks for the ride," Mickey said.

"Nice seeing you Mickey, thanks again for last night and stuff. I don't know what I would've done without you," Shawn replied.

"You would've dealt."

"Nah seriously, you're a lifesaver," Shawn reiterated, smiling at her.

Mickey blushed, quickly turning away to hide it.

"Okay, well, bye Shawn."

"Bye Mickey."

Shawn turned and hopped back into his jeep. He put the keys into the ignition before pausing.

He got back out the car and ran after Mickey, who was just entering her house.

"Can we go for a drive?" He asked, stopping the  door to her house from closing.

There was a pause and Shawn felt like the stupidest person out. Flushing red he prepared himself for rejection and his walk of shame back to the jeep.

"Yeah of course Shawn. Give me two seconds, I'll dump these inside."

Shawn breathed a sigh of relief before standing there for a couple of minutes. Soon, Mickey emerged, looking fresher and with two muffins in her hand.

"Grandma has been baking," she said, as Shawn's eyes lit up.

"Where we going?" Mickey asked as they got back into the faithful jeep.

"Not too far," Shawn said, eyeing his petrol gauge,

"I'm running low."

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