This is what it takes

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Shawn sat next to the girls bed, watching her troubled eyes as she rested. Using her phone, he and the ambulance workers discovered that the green eyed girl's name was Mickey Lowe and they contacted her parents, who lived in Toronto.

"Mickey," Shawn said, testing her name aloud. It suited her, and he enjoyed the way it rolled off his tongue, "I wonder if your eyes are really shut, and am I the one you're dreaming of?"

No response came, just the slight movement of Mickey's chest and the consistent beeping of the machines.

Apparently Mickey sustained a major concussion, which knocked her out, plus a gash along the back of her skull which caused her to lose a lot of blood. Aside from that, and some grazes, she was okay. She would be okay. Shawn was eternally grateful it wasn't anything worse.

Shawn's thoughts were interrupted by two doctors hurrying into the room. "We have no blood donations left in O type!" One exclaimed to the other.

"What? How do we have nothing left in the most common type?!" The other responded.

"I have no clue, but this girl desperately needs a blood transfer."

Shawn, hoping this was his chance to actually be able to help, spoke up.

"I think I'm O type, what if I give a blood transfer?" Shawn inquired. When he'd tripped over a stake a couple of years back, and needed stitches, they'd tested his blood type, so he was fairly certain he could transfer.

The doctors looked at each other. "If you are O type, that would be a blessing"

"Come, and we will have you quickly tested."

Ten minutes later, Shawn was hooked onto a machine that was draining his blood.

He altered from flicking through a magazine and watching Mickey sleep. The doctors were surprised at Shawn's eagerness to help out a stranger, but Shawn had already sworn to himself to help Mickey in every way he could. It was lucky that Mickey was there to distract him, because just as the nurse stuck the needle into Shawn's arm, he remembered something- he really, really hates needles.

"You may think it's crazy what I'm trying to do... Well baby, I'm a fool for you," he whispered across to Mickey. It was weird, Shawn felt he could confide to her in anything, yet they had only met twice, and one of those times Mickey was half unconscious.

Later that afternoon, the storm was raging outside and Mickey's parents had called some hours ago to say it was too unsafe to drive, and now that Mickey was stable enough, they would come across the next day to see her.

Shawn stayed beside Mickey's bedside the entire day, waiting for her to wake up.

Around 5pm Mickey pulled herself from the darkness and opened her eyes.

"Mickey!" Shawn exclaimed. Not really knowing who Shawn was, Mickey wondered if she'd suffered amnesia. Yet, she knew who she was, who her parents were and could remember every moment of the day up until when the car hit her, so that couldn't be the case.

"Uh, who are you?" Mickey enquired.

Shawn flushed in embarrassment. "Oh, hi, I'm Shawn, the guy you ran into on the street that one time and uh, the guy who accidentally hit you with his car..."

Mickey studied Shawn for a moment, and it clicked. He was the mysterious hottie she ran into in Pickering town a while ago. When she was with... him. Involuntary, Mickey shuddered.

"Are you okay? Cold? Is your head sore? Hold up, I'll go get the doctor," Shawn said, jumping from his seat and heading out to locate a nurse or doctor.

As Mickey watched him go, she could not fathom why this boy, who she had run into twice (literally) was being so caring.

Then it clicked, he must be thinking she's going to sue! Mickey felt terrible, it was mostly her fault anyway, the rain was so loud and thick and she had to run, she just had to... she pushed the thought from her mind. When Shawn came back, Mickey was going to assure him she wasn't going to sue or anything, and he was free to go back and continue with his life, guilt free.

A few moments later, a doctor entered the room, with Shawn in tow.

"Miss Lowe! Glad to see you're awake, how're you feeling, any pain?" The doctor enquired.

"Um, I feel okay, a little groggy, plus a headache, but nothing too major," she answered.

"That's really good. We'll keep you overnight just to check, but you should be free to be discharged tomorrow, with some prescription medicine and regular checkups for a while. You've been very lucky you know, there was a big chance you could've been fatally injured," the doctor said, before recording a few numbers off some of the machines and leaving the room. Shawn sunk into the chair next to Mickey's bed.

"I still can't believe I did this, I am so, so sorry Mickey," Shawn said, almost in tears.

Mickey, alarmed, quickly rushed to his defence. "No, seriously, don't worry, it was mostly me and my stupidity and not looking where I was going."

Shawn weakly smiled, but he knew he was more at fault.

"Oh and look," Mickey continued, "I'm not going to sue or anything, so you don't need to pretend to be all caring and stuff, like I don't mind, you can go back to your life..."

Shawn was shocked that his green eyed girl thought he was only being nice because she thought he thought she was to sue. To be honest the thought hadn't even crossed his mind.

"Mickey, if this is what it takes, let me be the one to bear the pain. If this is what it takes, for your recovery, I'll break down these walls that are in our way," Shawn assured her.

"What do you mean?" Mickey queried.

Shawn had noticed there was no longer the same sparkle he once saw in Mickey's eyes- that one time. He wondered what had happened for her to lose her sparkle, but wondered more if he could help her regain it.

"Underneath, the darkness, there's a light that's trying so hard to be seen. And I know this, because I notice, a little bit shining through the seams-"

"You're really making no sense right now," Mickey interrupted Shawn, awfully confused to where he was going.

"If you don't understand yet, then I won't let you forget, I don't want you to do this on your own. And, uh, although I feel terrible for hitting you, I'm happy we've got to meet again, as last time I couldn't even catch your name, let alone your number," Shawn admitted, finally giving a straight answer.

Mickey blushed. She could hardly believe Shawn's words.

Shawn watched the redness crawl along Mickey's cheeks and almost blushed himself. "So, ah, can I have your number?" Shawn asked.

Mickey smiled, holding out her hand for his phone. Smiling in return, Shawn handed it to her.

After putting her number in, Mickey changed her last name from Lowe to 'the girl I hit my car with.' She knew she was going to get gags out of that one for a while. Smirking, she handed his phone back.

A doctor and nurse entered the room together before Shawn had a chance to comment over the name.

"Sorry sir, but visiting hours are almost over and Miss Lowe here needs rest," the nurse informed Shawn.

Reluctantly Shawn stood from his seat. "See you later Mickey, I'll text you okay?"

"Sure, bye Shawn!" Mickey replied.

Soon, with Shawn gone and after her machines and drip had been tweaked, Mickey found herself alone again.

Just her and her imagination.

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