Chapter 16

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The two ambulances arrived at Bethesda in record time. Simultaneously, the medics unloaded the two and jogged into the hospitals awaiting Emergency Room.

"34 year old female, shot in right thigh, carbon dioxide poisoning, beaten, probably bruised and broken bones," Yelled the medic as Ziva was rushed into the second operation room.

Tony jogged behind until stopped by a doctor standing next to the swinging doors. "I'm sorry Sr. You need to stay in our waiting room."

"But my partner is in there," he yelled trying to pass the female doctor.

"And we will do everything we can to save her." She whispered calmly, also once being in the same situation as Tony.

Tony sighed and walked to the closest chair. Hearing yelling, he looked down the white runway hallway that he had just came from.

"15 year old female, Carbon Dioxide Poisoning. No other visible wounds." Another medic yelled pushing, along with 4 doctors, the stretcher with Maddie strapped down with an oxygen mask on. The doctors and medic bypassed the Operation Rooms and went straight into ICU.

Gibbs quickly caught up with them. He paused looking at Tony. Glancing back at the ICU glass doors, he slowly walked over to Tony.

After sitting down in the grey chair, Gibbs asked, "What did they say about Ziver?"

Tony looked at his boss. "The medic said that's she was shot in right thigh, had carbon dioxide poisoning, was beaten, and probably has bruised and broken bones,"

"She's strong, she will be fine." Gibbs whispered comforting Tony.

"Maddie?" Tony asked.

"She'll be fine, they are sedating her for the time being to get the carbon dioxide out of her lungs and blood stream. She's going to wake up in a few hours." Explained Gibbs tiredly. "She has to stay on oxygen for the time being."

"Oh," Tony whispered. "What's going to happen to her... You know, now that there are people after her."

"She will probably get a new name and a new identity, be moved across the country and put up for adoption." Gibbs sighed.

"That's a death sentence for that girl." Tony whispered shocked.

"I know," Gibbs agreed.

"She can fight, she can shoot, but she cannot keep looking over her shoulder for the rest of her life." Tony said starting to get upset.

"I know." Gibbs agreed again.

Tony's phone suddenly began to ring. "DiNozzo."

"Anthony DiNozzo what is going on?!?" Screamed an angry Abby.

"Calm down," he said calmly holding the phone away from his ear.

"Don't tell me to 'Calm Down'. How could I calm down? Where is Gibbs?" She yelled again.

"Here," Tony handed his phone over to his boss so he could calm her down.

"Abby," Gibbs whispered. "Yes, she's in surgery" he paused. "Maddie? She's in ICU." He sighed. "Bethesda."

He handed the phone back to Tony unfazed. "That's how you do it."

"Noted." Tony joked and faked laughed running his hand through his spiky hair. He looked down and saw a rather large blood stain in his suit.

"Why don't you just tell her," Gibbs randomly said.

"Tell who what?" Tony asked acting clueless. Where is McGee? Wasn't he behind us? This would be a great time to come in. Tony thought.

"Ziva. And you know what." Gibbs said slowly.

"Ha ha, I have nothing to say to her other than what happened." He joked.

"Your a bad lier Tony." Gibbs smiled. "I saw it During that first undercover mission."

"Your rule number 12..." Tony gave in.

"Screw rule 12." Gibbs laughed.

McGee came bustling into the room. Seeing the faces of his teammates, he asked, "Is this a bad time?"

Thanks for reading! Happy New Years! New Years resolution: to start updating more often ;-)

Thanks for all the reads and comments guys! Love you all!


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