Chapter 17

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A few long hours later...

"Ugh," mumbled Maddie as she fought against the anesthesia that pumped through her veins.

She coughed as her vision slowly began to focus in on her surroundings. Seeing three pale blue curtains around her brought her to the conclusion that she was in ICU of some hospital.

She suddenly fully woke up and pulled the covers off. Her hospital gown was scratchy and uncomfortable.

Hearing the commotion from the makeshift room, two nurses rushed in. "Madeline." One calmly said picking up the sheet that Maddie had threw on the white tile floor.

"Where's Gibbs?" Maddie asked sternly. "Wheres Ziva?"

"Lay back down-" one nurse started her short curly brown hair bounced on her shoulders as she tried to help Maddie.

"No." Maddie interrupted. "I'm fine, now answer my question."

"We will tell those who arrived with you that you are now awake. You will then be transferred out of the ICU." The other blond nurse explained. "Here drink some water, it will help flush out the anesthesia in your system."

She handed Maddie a little plastic of water. Maddie looked at her, not making a movement to take her offer.

"Umm, will it will be here for when you need it." She finished slowly. The blond nurse ushered her partner out hastily.


"Special Agent Gibbs?" The brunette niece asked softly.

"That's me." Gibbs answered standing up and waltzing over to her.

"Ms. Green is awake now, and she is asking about you." She said softly looking down at her clipboard anxiously.

"Room?" Gibbs asked.

"She's in ICU #4." The nurse called after Gibbs as he made his way down the white sterile hallway.

"Hey, Maddie." Gibbs said pushing away the curtain.

Maddie looked up from the small plate of a puréed substance in front of her. "What the hell is this?" She asked referring to the plate.

Gibbs laughed. "Goop."

"Where's Ziva?" Maddie asked pushing the table that was on wheels off of her bed. It softly hit the curtain making it sway patently.

"Still in surgery." Gibbs answered sitting in the chair next to her. He sighed. "Why the hell did you do that?"

"Maddie?" A nurse said piping her head inside the curtain.

"Hmm?"  Maddie mumbled looking at Gibbs.

"You are being moved out of the ICU and have an evaluation to see when you are able to return home." The nurse explained.  "Are you her father?"

"Oh, no. I'm a friend of her parents. They are out of the country and are unable to return for a few days." Gibbs lied.

"Okay, you will have to sign this paperwork." The nurse walked in and handed Gibbs a clipboard with many pages on it. "You will be moved in a few minutes Miss."

"Name..." Gibbs said looking at the first line. "Spell."

"M-A-D-E-L-I-N-E." Maddie sighed.

"Middle?" Gibbs asked.

"Skye, with an E." Maddie answered.

"Okay. Birthdate." Gibbs said.

"July 19," she answered sighing.

"Weight?" He asked scribbling down her birthday.

"115 I think," she stated watching as the curtain in front of her started to shuffle.

"Really? That's very light for a 15 year old." Gibbs commented writing the simple number in the slot.

"Ready Madeline?" A male doctor asked as he walked into her room. Without waiting for her to answer, the doctor bent down and started to switch outer Maddie's oxogen line to the mobile one.

"What room will she put in?" asked Gibbs standing up.

"Room 45. She is going to Eval. first so you can finish filling out the form in the waiting room. She should be in the room in an hour." The doctor explained motioning for another doctor to help wheel Maddie away.

Gibbs nodded to Maddie as her bed left the room and started to move down the hallway.


"How's Maddie?" Abby asked when Gibbs returned to the waiting room.

"She will be fine. She's going to Eval. now." Gibbs explained sitting down with the clip board.

"Family of Ziva David?" a small nurse called slowly.

"Yes?" Tony shot up and reached the nurse before the rest of the team could register what she had say.

"Ms. David flatlined twice during surgery." She started. Tony read her name tag. Kate.

Tony's face froze. Before he could react any further, she continued. "She is alive, but she is in a drug induced coma."

"When-When will she recover from the drugs?" He asked shakily.

"They will wear off in 24 hours. Wether or not she wakes up is up to her." She replied. Nodding to the rest of the team, she turned and headed back into the surgery room.

"Tony..." Abby started putting her hand on his shoulder.

He shrugged it off and walked down the hallway, head dropped.

Here's the next chapter. I know it's been forever and I know I have lost many readers. I'm really sorry. The only time I have time to write is on the bus.

Thanks for reading!


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